19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
HideInInspector on DataParameters.Id
Re-wrote DynamicDOF to use the built in unity thing, only with modes and lerping and all that bollocks, scion can get fucked.
Done a pass on some unit hostility checks.
Removed afformentioned scripts
Restored some accidentally deleted scripts on camera
Tweaks to unseen attacker repsonse
Fixed territorial animals not returning to territory, the dicks
Unit UI widgets listen for death and fuck off when they should
Fixed DebugTools stats input not correctly calling set methods and thus not invoking stat changed events, wankers
Human overlay materials now hooked up to health properly
updated child and female view models
Seek Out Attacker blackboard read
Fixed unresponsive UI in BehaviourChain element drawers when a nested behaviour editor was expanded
overlay mesh to child and female
BehaviourElementEditor twaeks
Updated human male view
Some AIDesignerLayout comments for sebov/ptrefall
Reset Unit.Animation params on death, hopefully.
HumanView face overlay hookups for damage, and eye shader mood links
renamed human_male_damage to human_male_overlay
Assigned new task complete SFX
Edit AI modules settings directly in AI Designer without having to inspect the asset in the regular unity inspector
Added "Equip Weapon In Combat" GoalPlan to the Human/Items AI Module
Replaced some bools with an enum context setup in BeforeEditor
Behaviours can be edited in-line/nested in the AI Designer BehaviourChain view
When we equip a weapon, that weapon's first (combat) ability is automatically set as active combat ability in Combat+Callbacks.
Merged from Equip and Stow branch.
Fixed data parameter id collision between stow equipped item and jog to sneaking range (goal plans).
We now use Guid to generate a random number for the next data parameter id (and downgrade that 128bit number to 32bit for now...)
Editor code was making the panda sad.
Fixed perception range condition
BehaviourChainElement generates descriptive text
Updated descriptions for many Abilties and Interactions
Removed the Breeding module from humans
Yet another merge from main
Fight Common/Combat/Offensive/Fight Goal having a bad condition
Fixed Humam/Combat missing blackboard read
Small eye tweaks. Reintroduced slightly different spec as a test. Made the blink actually proper instead of upside down.
Fixed SetCombatTarget not setting Desire.PlayerCreated correctly
More Desires stuff, partial revert to allow pre-created desires to be directly added
Desire data assingment fixes
Desire momentum drain rate is slower for player created Desires
Fixed ActionConstructBuilding not de-registering the Unit as an active builder on break
Desire creation consistency/tweaks
Fixed Ability:Flee not removing flee flag at end of ActionChain
Items/Building and Warmth AI Module tweaks, mostly weighting
Minor ItemDesire.CanBeFulfilled tweaks