19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Effect Visual FX and Effect Emotes are singular
VisualFX uses AudioManager
VisualFX data doesn't require prefab with component, does all setup internally
Some AudioManager tweaks, added loop functionlity and on demand stop/return to pool
Fixed some bad data in the Territory AI module
Dispensers now have configurable item pop angle and force.
Fixed projectiles being broken
trying to get latest but its making do a merge
Projectile trigger enable fix
CalculateTrajectory tweaks
Projectiles ignore collision when not moving or below threshold of flight time
Fixed some missing actions
Projectiles handle trigger events, not hitboxes
Added SocialInvitation Selector, Actions, updated Create Action
Blackboard support for Socials types
Breeding AI nodule design work
Fixed StatTypeSelectionDrawer errors
Stopped hit fx looping for some units
Changed some ability exposure flags
Target Selectors, breeding AI data (module not assigned to any Units yet)
Fixed evaluation targets being exposed when it shouldn't
Added EmotePoolCondition, used by Emotes module...
Order types by name in DataEditor create tab
Fixed VFX switch index error
VisualFXParmaters inherits DataParameters for id and name
VisualFX positioning modes, follow unit head support
Renamed StatModifierTypes to StatMinipulationValueTypes, Percentage and Absolute
StatMinipulatorParametersDrawer updates
Senses.CalculateUnitThreat tweaks
Added some icons
StatTypeSelectionAttribute with support for StatClass exlcusion, drawer updates
Added missing stationary effect
Fixed Wait Action breaking
Disabled empty breeding goals/plans
Created a wait action for emotes
Removing Goal.CreatedByAGroupBonus
Vital.Simulate now sets CurrentValue to reflect changes to the MaxValue
Deleting various unused scripts in an effort to improve compile times
Conditon and Consideration instance types removed, now call Eval/Score/Response directly through wrappers (edit DSEs at runtime!)
Remove IStatMinipulator, for it was useless
Let's correctly return the value of CappedMaxValue.
Support both absolute and percentage caps.
Need to default cap modifier percentage value back to 100 if there was no cap modifiers applied during Update Modifier pass.
Cap Modifiers should be treated as percentage value of max. So if you want a Cap of 60% of Max Value, you simply add a Cap Modifier with value of 60.
Stat doesnt need to store two lists of modiifers, just switch on MinipulationType
Debug stats list shows modifier count