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Small test of Unity's test framework
Re-organised Conditions script folders into Agent types/generic
Added some Goup Agent specific Conditions (member count)
Added generic EntityCondition type, Added CanFindSuitableAnimal, CanFindWeapon
Added AttackEntity action which updates an Effect template with a new modifier value based on the Attack Power stat, feels like a hack though
Added Unit+Combat partial, doesnt do anything yet (besides store some EffectParameters)
Wolfs should now kill deer and eat the meat. _should_ :3
Starving Effect draing health again
Added Condition failure debug in DecisionScoreEvaluator
ActionChain refactoring, removed ActionChainData, updated all Actions
Broke things
Unity 5.3.1
Fixed DataNode layout issues
Data work
Fixed AbilitySettings.BehaviourPlanType not returning Ability as it should have
Added UnitIsCarryingItemCondition
Stat+Blockable stores StackBlocker, not StatBlockerParameters
Cleaned up CanFindOrCraftToolCondition and IsCarryingRequiredToolCondition
Accounted for DecisionPlan.OverrideParameters in GetBonusFactor in DM, and in the ScoreForDecisionMaking acessor
Added UnitCanFindEntityCondition, a multi-functional filter based knowledge lookup Condition which should cover most use cases
Added DecisionPlan.OverrideParameters, for overriding parameters! :o
Added various Can Find conditions
Numerous other tweaks
Added EditorGUILayout.HelpBox custom... help box
Added "empty" DSE error display in DecisionPlanParametersDrawer
Added Empty DSE error box on Goal/GoalPan/BehaviourPlan Settings Data Node inspectors
Un-reverted maurizo's DSE change, DSE now returns 0 when "empty" (having neither Coditions nor Considerations)
Data updates
latest bear anims, walk is better but run is a too goofy still. Mesh is updated but still needs work espically including skinning
Reverted DecisionScoreEvaluator change
-fixed up freezing effect not triggering
-a DSE empty of conditions/considerations now returns 0
-and a merge
BehaviourChain.CreateInteractionBehaviour NRE catch, need to look at why target entity can end up nulled, probably related to issues with SmartObject subscription/reservation
EffectSettings.OnTriggerStart uses correct agent.AddEffect overload
Asset save, effect names etc
Added MachineSetingsEditor
- Split DataParameters class to its own file,
- Added EffectName field to EffectParameters
Node collapse hides siblings
Made data node collpase button not shit
Data vis layout fuckery, collapsable nodes
Fixed DSE Condition/Consideration drawers not applying their filter func on asset query
Updated some ConditionType and DecisionLayer properties
Goals asset listing tweak
-fixed mmb panning in DataVis
- Unit+Knowledge CraftDesire basics
- Added HasCraftDesiresCondition
- Top level goals skeleton WIP
- Fixed NRE in GoalSettingsEditor
- Added InviteToBreedingGroup Ability/DSE etc
doh- forgot to press save in unity
Replaced atmospheric music 19
-CanFindOrCraftTool now checks whether tool is being carried by unit.
-merge with 'tribe_tracking_items'
-tribe now ticks
-tribe checks for items and their quantities amongst all known items, making a list of currently known eligible ItemSettings and their numbers
Split data vis Node into its own file
Added "Open Visualiser" button to Before Inspector/Before Editor Tab toolbars
Removed duplicate nodes in debug vis, added panning via MMB
More data vis, some Goal data tweaks
Just added a couple more comments to make the application of recursion in FindBestGoal slightly easier to grasp and understand.