
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

10 Years Ago
Fixed null ref in filmingcontrol
10 Years Ago
Fix for filming control
10 Years Ago
Added Water-Ocean shader (copied from Water) Fixed filming setup in Alpine
10 Years Ago
Scene stuff.
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Alpine scene cleanup
10 Years Ago
Exported apline TOD to xml, set in BiomeAlpine. Set default SkyDome values to more neutral setup.
10 Years Ago
Scene stuff.
10 Years Ago
Muted all channels in the AudioMixer so the sound of the ocean doens't upset Petur
10 Years Ago
Scene stuff 2.
10 Years Ago
Scene stuff.
10 Years Ago
TOD Params loading for Biomes via xml (button on manager to force load in editor, loading on init at runtime)
10 Years Ago
Just making sure SkyDome is saved with optimal settings.
10 Years Ago
Fixed quickbursh eraser. Issue was that ctrl+x getkeyup was registered twice for each hit. I just added a button repeat timer threshold.
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Removed self init in Start from WeatherController
10 Years Ago
Stopped WeatherController init-self
10 Years Ago
Campfire and torch FX.
10 Years Ago
Fixed wrong mesh in cliff01 prefab
10 Years Ago
Backup commit.
10 Years Ago
Reverted some accidental string refactoring in other scripts.
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Backup commit.
10 Years Ago
Backup commit. Scene stuff and new trees.
10 Years Ago
Scene stuff
10 Years Ago
- Fixed last few issues with UnitView/HumanUnitView changes. - Rexported a lot of assets to fix inconsistencies. - Setup arid/tropical/temperate/arctic human races. - Removed Eye coloring from UnitAsset settings - Updated all the prefabs ever
10 Years Ago
Added SetupPrefab hepler func to UnitView.
10 Years Ago
Some more UnitView tweaks
10 Years Ago
- Added HumanUnitView extending UnitView... made color methods a bit more generic. - Rexported human assets with better material setup
10 Years Ago
Added cutoff value to grass system
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Fixing some stupid quality settings
10 Years Ago
- Added Agent Attributes - Fuzzy States for Attributes - Agent Needs for Fuzzy States - Agent Modifiers for Fuzzy States - Custom Editor for Attribute Settings - Added graph rendering system - Started on Debug UI for Unity AI
10 Years Ago
Made BiomeManger a bit more reliable. Cleaned up some FX prefabs.
10 Years Ago
Some helper script updates
10 Years Ago
Added deferred shader/lighting override to help smoothen specular term everywhere (more accurate for rough surfaces)
10 Years Ago
Alpine biome.
10 Years Ago
Biome no longer stores convenience list of Seasons, instead BiomeManager creates it on init. Sceeeneee stuffffff.
10 Years Ago
- Added a uGui ComboBox extension - DebugUI now shows a ComboBox of scene name choices, instead of having to manually type in the scene name.
10 Years Ago
Snow mountain scene stuff.
10 Years Ago
Backup commit
10 Years Ago
Eagle anim import fixes, layer mask, mechanim tweaks.
10 Years Ago
The scene loading debug ui now actually work.
10 Years Ago
Added input field to scene loading debug ui, that validates the input so that you're only allowed to hit the load button once the input is valid.
10 Years Ago
Added support for switching between "active" folder menues in the debug ui with active folder highlighting.
10 Years Ago
Can now open debug ui with F12 from any screen, and close it back down again.
10 Years Ago
Some eagle metas
10 Years Ago
Started on a Debug UI.
10 Years Ago
b14, tod fix
10 Years Ago
Added eagle look left/right/around anims