19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Wearables & attachments weight in debug view
Fixed log stockpile selector using the wrong condition
Fixed woodcutters chopping down trees when there's no stockpile to fill (StockpileCondition now checks if we can deposit a specific item type)
Item pickup check no longer includes weight check from wearables
ProtoIgnore EntityId.cachedEntity
People should no longer hunt if they're carrying a unit.
IsCarryingUnitCondition has a "Condition" mode.
More combat callback cleanup
Campfires can now be added to existing settlements
Various console command cleanup and error safety checks (resolving a bunch of crap on Sentry)
Combat no longer logs "trying to attack an invalid target" as an error, now under editor only combat logs
Combat targetting callback cleanup
Fixed potential NRE in VisualFX destruction
Made it impossible for people to own more than 1 building/home (for now)
Ownable & Ownership cleanup
EntityId caching
Moved all Senses tick functionality to SensesSystem, Senses holds only data and some lookup API for that data
ItemAction callback cleanup, should fix invalid cast and pop errors if something is hooked up incorrectly
Reset role assignment UI via Refresh override
Fixed water edge shader
Prevent duplicate activity notification spam
Bigger tooltip for activity
Fixed potential NRE when destroying a unit with active visual FX
Activity text held by data struct, removed from factory method arguments
Settlement happiness set to 100% when all needs are satisfied
ThreatPerceptionCondition checks that the target isnt dead or disabled (should fix people getting alert effect from seeing dead things)
Add to stockpile interaction command generator ignores worn items
Moved various crafting order API to Unit.Crafter
Unit.Crafter component handles activity generation for failure to find required items
Selective AI module evaluation can be toggled via debug
Cheat commands prefixed with cheat.
Settlement size/territory display while building (using highlighter system for now)
Fixed terrain decals being badly aligned to terrain on some maps
Fixed NRE in progression/research widget
Fixed errors when quitting from tribe create
Fixed tribe race choice not changing available hair colors
Clamped camera parallax on menu scene
Name input fields on tribe create, unit customisation and settlement creation all use consistent validation/content types and do not allow empty strings
Effects component destruction no longer removes effects, just clears and resets the pool to deal
Fixed NRE in UnitView when quitting from tribe create
Disabled camera parallax while spinning unit view in tribe create
SettlementView draws disc meshes to represent its size/territory
Settlements debug panel, global config
Settlement leader API & persistence boilerplate
Fixed NRE in WearableSlot.Unit_OnSetView (broke gender select in tribe create https://gfycat.com/ImmenseSmartDiamondbackrattlesnake)
Settlement level requirement checks buildings
Unlocks settlement level support (unlock can be triggered by a settlement level change)
Settlement levelling basics (check requirements on need satisfaction, event for unlocks etc)
Research UI button state checks research requirements, including settlement level
Unit needs drain parent settlement happiness relative to inhabitant count
Fixed bad need types, editor NRE
Removed cohesion events & cohesion component, now handled on a per settlement basis
Settlement levels boilerplate
Unlocks can define a required settlement level (must have at least 1 settlement of the given level in order to research)
Removed Group need type, now always associated with a Settlement or Unit
Fixed decals persisting between sessions
Replaced a bunch of Enum.HasFlag usages with non-alloc HasFlagEntityType ext method
Added ClearFog cheat (turns fog of war off)
null check the group in the GroupMember OnGroupChanged callback
Tribe leavers break all active behaviours and clear desired target.
When a Unit changes group they will assign themselves a random settlement
Fixed strangers being able to sleep in your buildings
Set Raid AI to always evaluate.
Fixed gamespeed changing back to incorrect values after group sleep ends
Deer override dead anima assignment
Animal animator override isDead state
Fixed dropped units having fucked rotations
Fixed radial menu layout issues caused by CommandTrigger refactor (buttons were missing LayoutElement)
Reset game speed and pause overlay UI states properly between sessions
Added IsDead override state to the human animator