19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Set isDead or isDowned bools when dropping carried units
Settlement creation UI is shown before the entity itself is created (fixes entity name not getting set before other systems kick in, like GroupNeeds triggers)
Fixed activity UI hiding itself
Fixed units that have left the tribe being marked as player controlled
Don't show items that aren't flagged game valid in crafting window
Don't show building upgrades or addons that aren't flagged game valid in respective UIs
Activity and Needs have separate notification and tooltip text fields
GroupNeeds can apply effects to the whole group or inhabitants of a settlement
Fufilment of a Group Need will now give the group a happiness boost relative to how quickly it was fulfilled
Fixed target filtering so that people can find hints and other entities with no SmartObject
Added Eums.HasFlagEntityType non alloc impl of Enum.HasFlag for the EntityTypes enum
When people leave the player's tribe they will join another if there are any available
Fixed bad vitals display in UnitInfoWidget
Activity timeouts (defaulted all types to 10 seconds)
Activity expiration uses condition groups
Activity tooltip text
Deleted old Seek Out Attacker GoalPlan
Reset _genericCommand in PlayerController to avoid weird commands with null fields
Fixed activity widget colors
UI value element separated tint options for label and value text components
Fixed world space UI canvas being hidden after quicksave
Fixed settlement indicator/status UI elements not having color reset properly
Fixed settlement creation UI appearing after loading a game
Building now has a HasActiveConstruction property to indicate that there's some sort of construction going on.
Various bits of building AI now check this instead of IsFinished making it possible to build upgrades.
Fixed GroupNeeds not unsubscribing from TimeManager.OnHour when destroyed (i.e. between sessions, causing NREs)
TerrainDecals destroys any TerrainDecalObject instances in OnDestroy (for safety, this should be taken care of by scene unloading)
Session.LoadScene calls SceneManager.SetActiveScene to make sure we spawn things in the correct scene for cleaner session management
Dont parent views to container transforms in standalone builds
Stop navigating at end of FollowCombatTarget
Fixed Hostility check and tidied it up so we can see what's going on in there
Added buttons to Cohesion debug to trigger people joining and leaving the tribe
Flatten tree view hierarchy until it gets felled (potential perf opt)
Knowledger overlay (V) sorts entities by distance, has higher refresh rate
Role assignment toggle fixes
More UI optimisation
Fixed role assignment UI
Added OverrideEverything bool for GoalPlans to always interrupt the current GPV.
Targeting AI to high priority DM.
Reacting to unknown attacker set to always evaluate
Added AI for reacting to being hit from an unknown attacker.
Check for Can Use Combat Ability also checks for ammo now.
Fixed it being impossible to equip in slots other than RHand.
Raid spawn points on island 1
Flagged collaborations module to always evaluate
More UI caching improvements
Made UIWidget cache components after init instead of awake. This fixes widgets not caching child element components that are created during init
Added AIModule flag "Always Evaluate" that defaults to false. By default Agent will not score modules while a behaviour is active on the parent slot, unless this flag is set
IsPlayerControlled condition and added this condition to the target filter for attacking player units.
Hostility check now checks if the other unit is attacking a member of our group
More EntityManager tick cleanup, budget config etc
Added RaidSpawnPoint component for animal raids to use instead of random flakeyness
More lenient facing target condition
EntityManager upate cleanup
approaching player units now shouldn't happen if we already have a combat target
Optimised some campfire related target filters to filter by ID
Disabled forced agent tick after behaviour execution by default, added option to AI config to enable it
Entity manager unit view culling and FoW vis routine moved to FixedUpdate, uses non-alloc CalculateFrustumPlanes
Player component profiling
UnitInfoWidget optimisation