
17,530 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.45cph!

6 Years Ago
Gameconfig sound defaults.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
3 bundles
6 Years Ago
Harvesting bundle test
6 Years Ago
Dispenser interactions data contains an optional sound bundle to play via the TakeFromDispenser action Audio bundles define volume, sound type, pitch & pitch randomisation
6 Years Ago
Fixed tasks not disappearing from UI. Better text for Needs tasks.
6 Years Ago
NRE fix
6 Years Ago
DepositEntity itemContainer mode doesnt play 3d sounds
6 Years Ago
Item 3d drop sounds
6 Years Ago
Player commands interrupt sleep, consistently use Unit.ClearCurrentBehaviour
6 Years Ago
Error when adding positional interactions that don't have positions. Added Interaction Position data to spit and log seat addons
6 Years Ago
Fixed buildings getting bad commands
6 Years Ago
BEF-762: Completed task never disappears
6 Years Ago
Pick up / drop sounds for items
6 Years Ago
Fixed NREs in SmartObject.AddInteraction Player command evaluation improvements
6 Years Ago
tier 4 building wip
6 Years Ago
SoundPlayer fixes
6 Years Ago
PooledAudioSource ->SoundPlayer
6 Years Ago
Fixed PooledAudioSource not looping
6 Years Ago
NRE fix
6 Years Ago
Placing buildings will now merge existing settlements if they cause them to overlap. Settlement Radius Bonus to 0 on all buildings.
6 Years Ago
Added ICommandProvider for populated list of Command for context menu etc, implemented by IEntity, IEntityComponent
6 Years Ago
Pooled audio source bundle support, randomised looping
6 Years Ago
new atmos piece
6 Years Ago
data browser perf improvements, more tabs visible
6 Years Ago
building tier 3 wip
6 Years Ago
Organisation of sound data, added audio bundles to databrowser's new Audio category
6 Years Ago
Menu fix
6 Years Ago
Effects editor can filter by manipulated stats Behaviour editor ActionChain nesting fix
6 Years Ago
Fire smoke shader.
6 Years Ago
More tasks for needs fixes
6 Years Ago
Dont collate activity notifications if there is no collation template text Starving nutrition boost increased from 0.01 to 0.02
6 Years Ago
Various tasks fixes. Needs generate a task to fix the need for the whole group. Varied Diet is now a need.
6 Years Ago
Building deconstruct flag fix Don't generate notification text for activity that is not set to create a notification
6 Years Ago
Fixed RMB commands not clearing evaluation data (caused context menu hint to appear when mousing over a target previously commanded for attack) MachineProcess NRE fix Tooltip improvements
6 Years Ago
Need notifications can no longer be dismissed. Need notifications use severity level.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Boatload of sounds
6 Years Ago
Sort GroupKnowledge every DM tick
6 Years Ago
Unsetting thrown weapon no longer removes from possessions if it's carried
6 Years Ago
Reset item view root rotation on pickup/drop
6 Years Ago
Simplified attack command logic
6 Years Ago
assign family relation type when setting a relationship
6 Years Ago
Hunting no longer requires a weapon.
6 Years Ago
More tweaks to unit picking up AI. Hunting Station unlock requires Crafting Station.
6 Years Ago
Fixes to dropping unit AI
6 Years Ago
jenkinsfile 1f1
6 Years Ago
Unlock string updated to include information about required skill level to research.
6 Years Ago
Mousing over current upgrade toggles the building cutaway. Removed new house need and associated trigger stuff.
6 Years Ago
Possible fix for wrong interaction plan position mode due to pooling.