
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

6 Years Ago
Removed unused grass grid. Heat map uses detailed instead of super detailed grid data. Removed super detailed grid data.
6 Years Ago
Entity grid gets allocated on demand instead of at game start.
6 Years Ago
Influence NRE fix. Don't update dead peoples' portraits.
6 Years Ago
Added new influence grid specifically for knowledge, which uses the senses awareness radius and grid data. Put group influence radii back to more reasonable values.
6 Years Ago
Fixed influence component not being set ready if it was created after the game was ready
6 Years Ago
Removed territorial/influence at location and pathfinding distance bonuses/considerations from a bunch of target filters
6 Years Ago
EntityGrid now holds EntityGridCell containing both a list of all ents per cell and a dictionary of ents by EntityTypes enum Senses ignores units from the same Group, animals ignore other animals unless hostile
6 Years Ago
Fixed NREs in AIEx. BuryUnit machine process destroys units pending implementation of proper Grave component.
6 Years Ago
Remove TOD_Shadows, tuned TOD_Scattering down to save some perf
6 Years Ago
Modules can define a list of other modules during which they will always evaluate. Most work modules can now be evaluated during idling. Fixed reorderable asset list not restricting available assets by type. Made some extension methods for overriding GPVs.
6 Years Ago
Removed CandidateEntityFilter.FilterByPlayerCommandFlag, use query/entity source modes instead
6 Years Ago
Removed required job from resources. Added required job to player commands. Testing not setting collaborations module to always evaluate.
6 Years Ago
Added target filter unit source mode for flagged ents
6 Years Ago
Player command flagged entity bookkeeping, candidate entity filter source mode
6 Years Ago
EntityGrid preallocates cell lists
6 Years Ago
Disabled senses LOS
6 Years Ago
More profiling
6 Years Ago
Target filtering uses EntityDistanceList~ Senses profiling
6 Years Ago
Added PlayerCommandDefinition ShowInCommandBar toggle
6 Years Ago
RMB on resource ents flags them for harvesting, disabled context menu
6 Years Ago
Expose action tickrate in editor SetDestination+Flee tick profiling Blackboard copy methods use aggressive inlining attributes to see if it has any benefit Facts component is disabled unless there are any providers installed (cuts out overhead from various ents that own no facts)
6 Years Ago
Group entity fact evaluation callback hooked up in Agent, propgates through decision makers and their modules to support reactivate evaluation flagging of modules instances Added AI module evaluation modes (tick or fact evaluation callback) Set up various AI modes that use a fact selector as a top level condition to use fact evaluation callback mode
6 Years Ago
initialize Senses.shouldTick with true (otherwise Senses doesn't actually tick until a UnitFlag changes). Added event on Facts component for when we evaluate a FactProvider.
6 Years Ago
Stopped AIBehaviour allocating on setup Facts get evaluated in a queue with a budget
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Remember last valid GPV on modules (allows tick rates to work properly)
6 Years Ago
Added support for optional AI module tickratres
6 Years Ago
Building editor updates preview asset correctly, fixed saving bad data for addon positions Removed Water from Unit.Navigation area mask (disables swimming)
6 Years Ago
Go To Sleep ability fails if the Unit is swimming.
6 Years Ago
Removed entity arrays by type from Knowledge as this is handle by GroupKnowledge. Updated a couple of references to use GroupKnowledge instead. Invoke input changed event when someone starts using a machine to craft (in order to update the fact). Fixed accessibility not being set properly in Knowledge.
6 Years Ago
Compile fix
6 Years Ago
Dirt grid drain/gain and update interval
6 Years Ago
CraftItemProcess no longer requires the process to be running to be able to accept items
6 Years Ago
Dirt decals accumulation test tweaks
6 Years Ago
Fixed GroupKnowledge.ForgetEntities not removing from KnownEntitiesByType
6 Years Ago
Minor navigation tick optimisation GroupKnowledge sort calls only happen on demand, per entity type in TargetFilter+EntitySources.GetGroupKnowledgeEntities. Buffers limited by given filters
6 Years Ago
Disabled global forced tick after behaviour exec which was breaking the game
6 Years Ago
Fixed bad entity filter enabled check
6 Years Ago
EntitIesInGroupInfluence fact ported to GroupKnowledge, evaluated on simtick Various ISimTickable cleanup
6 Years Ago
EntitiesInGroupInfluence cleanup
6 Years Ago
InteractionPlanFactProvider filtering checks entity fog vis when facts owner ent is player controlled
6 Years Ago
Tribe creation cleanup
6 Years Ago
Fixed player command dragging
6 Years Ago
BEF-663, BEF-679 WIP
6 Years Ago
Fixed char create errors on re-roll
6 Years Ago
CharacterCustomisationWidget ignores toggle value changed events when refreshing content for newly selected unit
6 Years Ago
Fixed PlayerCommandWidget NRE
6 Years Ago
Player command widget optimsation
6 Years Ago
Target candidate filter is hard limited to 128 ents (facts replacing knowledge source caused perf regression) Fixed EntitiesInGroupInfluence not being properly sorted via Agent tick Fixed bad distance to call in TerritoryLocationSelector
6 Years Ago
AssetTreeView can filter by game ready