19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Interactions can now be positional when contained, meaning if the entity is contained it will use interaction positions from the containing entity instead of its own.
Fixed building preview mesh pool generation using wrong allocation method (was filling main scene with a bunch of preview mesh objects)
Fixed UIManager loading scenes multiple times
Recompiled impostor runtime shader
Updated Amplify Impostors to v0.9.1
Fixed char create customise widget hiding itself (dont assign close button)
Normalized curve attribute,
Fixed attribute slider point redistrubtion not respecting the min/max values
Fucked off lerping morphs, just set the bone targets on demand. Added custom ranges and anim curve eval for weight blends
No but actually do what i said in the last commit
Added Apply Layer masking option to standard decal shader
Force customisation unit morphs tick in char create
Asset name caching in database init before warmup
Definition.NiceName lazy getter
Regenerated enums.
Fixes to make gathering for fire from stockpile work.
Withdraw From Stockpile now checks if we can pick up the resulting item
Merged various building gathering conditions into one
Reverted some lost morphs data
Char creation screen plays animations after trait choices
Fixed NRE when combat anim event is received during char create
Fixed a bunch of issues with Unit.Morphs
Moved OnValidate to non-unity method, added button the base DataAsset editor and "validate all" tool to Assets menu
Fixed error in UnitPortraits.CreateNewClone when a stranger gets spawned
CanFindBuildingForTarget fix
Fixed crafting orders UI adding double
Various gathering AI tweaks
Various gathering AI bits
Fixes to withdraw from stockpile action
Fixed UnitPortraits key not found
Added withdraw interaction to can find building that requires this condition
Moved the Dispenser OnReplenish event to after the quantity gets updated.
Withdraw from Stockpile interaction.
CanFindBuildingForTarget checks stockpiles and writes
Unit portrait requests can force a view update
Force player tribe portrait update via OnGameReady callback
Crafting station tab should now refresh worker slots when the building owners change
Fixed UI widget activation events being triggered by tweener events when we intend to ignore them
Crafting stations can expose an order limit (defaults to 20) which is respected by the orders UI
Cleaning up unit portraits class
Fixed UI.CraftingOrderElement not resetting isCompleted and causing the order listing item to animate out
Physics timestep tweaks to make higher game speeds less mental.
Decreased the massive skill gain from constructing upgrades.
Better building construction debug panel.