19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Fixes to moving away from fire AI.
Clearing allowed items lists in stranger spawning.
Added GroupMember debug with button to trigger tribe leaving.
Added Desirability Event triggering buttons to the Desirability debug.
Fixed AI settlement leader death causing the leader selection UI to pop up.
Fixes to settlement joining AI that should prevent people from joining player settlements without asking.
Nuked tabbed windows, progression and tribe windows
Fixed settlement level up popup not working
Stranger spawns should now also allow clothes from the starting pool.
Rat raids account for food supplies.
Settlement debug stuff.
Fixed role exp slider not showing properly
raid event activity sets the appropriate target instead of always targeting the player tribe
Decreased Goal Momentum on Hunt Goal
Fixed activity elements not clearing properly
Unit list frame flashes for new Units when added
Knowledge window
Unit frame UI ref
Boatloads of unit related UI tweaks and improvements
stick pile vertex colour setup
Exposed ItemView collision detection mode and set it to Discrete
stick pile interaction positions
disabled destroy on deplete on stick pile
Added experimental option to spawn dispensables on the ground instead of ejecting them from the dispenser to try to improve physics performance.
Added stick pile resource and disabled sticks dropping from trees.
fixed silly mistake with code and rebuild assets for stick collision
missed a file from last checkin
sticks have lods
code for generating items turns off collision for meshes the lod meshes not named lod0
Sesnes system bugfix from pal
reverted stick spawner removal
temporary removal of stick auto dispensing to see how it effects perf on a build, will revert very soon
Moved time/phys config out of game options data and into the main config asset (no longer saved with player exposed options)
Increased sleep and bounce thresholds
Disabled building view decals
Exposed fixed time step values per gamespeed to config data
Growable component cleanup
Fixed normalized values for skills and attributes being shite
Tooltips no longer timeout-autohide
Radial menu no longer shows interactions for unit items or attachments (testing UX)
Disabled IK look in Actions.FaceTarget (causing errors in build)
Fixed error in UnitFrame.Unassign when no effectList is specified
Fixed building dirt decal orientation
field assets (not functional or unlockable)
unsuccessfully trying to make stockpile on shaman station work
trying to make hunting station and shaman station stockpiles work
Added alpha test + cutoff to decal std shader