
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Tool save
7 Years Ago
GUI save
7 Years Ago
Settlement creation no longer exposes icons or name input, replaced with leader selection
7 Years Ago
Compile fix
7 Years Ago
Added Role XP gain to GoalPlanSettingsWrapper and BaseBehaviourSettings.
7 Years Ago
Added role exp events system Fixed settlement level up button not working
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Various UI
7 Years Ago
Made grid gizmos super dank
7 Years Ago
SettlementView radius view fix
7 Years Ago
Data, prefabs
7 Years Ago
Fixed bad settlement level progress calculation
7 Years Ago
Fixed ConditionUtility.Evaluate pass count being wrong
7 Years Ago
Settlement level conditions evaluation no longer breaks on first failure
7 Years Ago
More UI stuff
7 Years Ago
UI style and color utility cleanup Fixed settlement level conditions data not being validated (fixes ids being 0)
7 Years Ago
Settlement level requirement state tracking, better tooltip descriptions, UI design progress
7 Years Ago
UI bits
7 Years Ago
SettlementDesirability calculation
7 Years Ago
Settlement levels now require the player to press a button (pending AI event and supply consumption) Added StringEx.Style method for use with TMPro styles Tooltips use a single body text component and styles
7 Years Ago
Hide world interaction tooltips when a UI element triggers a tooltip
7 Years Ago
Fixed tooltips persisting after radial opens Fixed GroupNeeds activity being generated before game ready Various UI work UnitView.OnValidate ensures FogOFWarUnit is added to all prefabs
7 Years Ago
Fixed missing PersistedEntityComponentData ProtoInclude for PersistedSettlementDesirability
7 Years Ago
UI prefabs, color coded effect stat changes
7 Years Ago
UI save
7 Years Ago
Added SettlementDesirability component with very basic Desirability calculation for now This component replaces spawning strangers with SettlementDesirabilityEvents which are a type of GameEvent that can be triggered by a Settlement. Added some test data.
7 Years Ago
Added Unit stat tooltips, stat manipulation source strings and value display Added support for conditional options form elements Added UI scale option (currently limited to the game screen)
7 Years Ago
Replaced JobConsideration with job scoring inside DSEParameters. Goals which don't have enough workers get a bonus representing the number of required workers.
7 Years Ago
Value element tooltips Stat tooltip lists manipulations
7 Years Ago
Various UI style stuff
7 Years Ago
Jobs panel auto size
7 Years Ago
Use grid position instead of distance checks to find settlement at position Removed redundant territory checks when adding stuff to supplies
7 Years Ago
Large tooltip preview image support, various UI stuff
7 Years Ago
Hopefully fixed SettlementUtility.GetSettlementAtPosition
7 Years Ago
Crafting orders UI
7 Years Ago
Moved all claiming stuff to SettlementMorale Updating settlement radius on the grid checks building finished status and also triggers on finishing a building
7 Years Ago
fixed merge
7 Years Ago
Settlements now have a grid instead of using a spherecast.
7 Years Ago
Settlement level up popup UI ignores level 1 Settlement level popup only shows for the first settlement to reach that level Added Group.Settlements convenience list CraftingOrder holds progress (set by action or machine process) Unit Crafting UI boilerplate Removed a bunch of unused combat related Target Filters and Goal Plans Removed TargetThreatConsideration
7 Years Ago
GUI save
7 Years Ago
Added some stuff to the settlement mask for spherecasting entities contained within the settlement
7 Years Ago
Added bool to omit entities from different settlements from target filtering. Enabled this option on a load of target filters.
7 Years Ago
UI shadow fuckery
7 Years Ago
SettlementMorale now handles making a settlement claimable. If Morale gets low enough Settlement has a high chance of surrendering.
7 Years Ago
SettlementMorale now tracks the time since being attacked to prevent ping-ponging values.
7 Years Ago
Fixed activity spam
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Job assignment defaults to 100% Settlement level progress % calc
7 Years Ago
Leaving a group is now managed per-Unit via the GroupMember component, various related cleanup