
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

7 Years Ago
UIColorComponent -> UIStyleElement Added support for UIStyleElements to take image sprites from their style config Added global UI style shadow config and component management in OnValidate Food supply tooltip uses Supplies.GetRemainingDaysOfFoodText()
7 Years Ago
SettlementMorale WIP
7 Years Ago
Settlement UI shows housing as "value/inhabitant count"
7 Years Ago
Settlement info HUD progress, moved jobs foldout into the main widget, added new buttons. Tooltip image support Settlement inspector/management window boilerplate
7 Years Ago
GUI bits
7 Years Ago
Inspection widgets, tab types Fixed tribe tracker not showing all selected units
7 Years Ago
Supplies can now return a string describing the number of days of food remaining.
7 Years Ago
Fixed settlement info hud appearing whilst placing another settlement
7 Years Ago
Supplies now tracks food supply in terms of number of meals. Fixed some NaNs when Settlements have no inhabitants.
7 Years Ago
Unit info widget shows active job name Fixed Settlement.Inhabitants being empty
7 Years Ago
Unit inspector stats update every second
7 Years Ago
Job slider improvements
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Tooltip anchor ranames
7 Years Ago
Fixed some tooltips not showing
7 Years Ago
Fixed jobs UI not showing sliders
7 Years Ago
Fixed jobs foldout showing all the time
7 Years Ago
Reverted a problem prefab
7 Years Ago
Fixed error in DataBrowser.OnEnable Fixed a stack overflow in InspectorTabs
7 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in detail overlay UI
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
SFX organisation
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed notifications widget not getting all activity events due to OOE issue Fixed settlements not getting default components (added all settlement components to default list) Added jobs icons
7 Years Ago
SFX organisation
7 Years Ago
Fixed settlement creation button showing while settlement is being built Fixed ANE in UnitAttachments when inspecting a unit's equipment
7 Years Ago
Added Settlement entity source to AI target filtering, updated a bunch of AI target filters to use this mode (gathering mostly) Added BaseEntity.InSettlement property which is updated for all entities on demand via SettlementUitlity.UpdateSettlementAssignments (to be replaced with localized settlement territory grid) Added SettlementJobs component which tracks the % of inhabitants that should perform each of the basic jobs not governed by the Roles system. Updated JobConsideration to use values from the unit's Settlement Added settlement jobs UI Finished up SettlementMorale boilerplate Moved close button functionality to base UIWidget
7 Years Ago
Eating on stick AI
7 Years Ago
Missed a save
7 Years Ago
Hide settlement creation UI when there is one under consruction
7 Years Ago
Cancel building placement if hotkey closes the UI Tooltip positioning tweaks
7 Years Ago
Fixed equipment icons hiding themselves after hover (UI animated element refactor regression)
7 Years Ago
Building placement bits
7 Years Ago
Building UI improvements
7 Years Ago
Job defs on some goals, more UI fixes
7 Years Ago
items for shaman, hunter and farmer
7 Years Ago
Fixed job dropdown not allowing null
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Craftable params editor tweaks, various notification UI stuff
7 Years Ago
CraftableParameters supports null role. Hand Axe and Spear don't require a role to craft for now.
7 Years Ago
Notification colors fix
7 Years Ago
B key no longer opens building panel if the settlement info widget isn't active
7 Years Ago
Fix UI tooltips block raycasts
7 Years Ago
UI bits
7 Years Ago
Clicking to cycle through notifications no longer dismisses them regardless of their settings UIWidget and UIElement now both inherit a base animatable UI object type, which merges support for Tweener/LeanTwean and animator w/ state callback behaviours
7 Years Ago
Considerations with a response of > 0 for a score of 0 will now return true if they score 0 Various fixes to JobConsideration Update GoalPlan score after setting GoalMomentum to avoid plans from the same Goal interrupting each other.
7 Years Ago
Depositing to basket building is now positional. Edited max builders to match the number of positions.
7 Years Ago
fix for JobConsideration scoring NaN when the group only has 1 unit
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Goals can now optionally continue the current job. More AI tweaks resulting from this option. Roles debug shows current job.