130 Commits over 243 Days - 0.02cph!
Fix issue detecting if boomerang has finished its curve
Allow boomerang to generate more forward momentum if its finished its curve and hasnt hit the ground yet
- Setup script to allow trails (or any child) to null out rotation on a specific axis
- Stopped Boomerang trail from following the x axis
Detect water hits - handle it like the other projectiles
Stop the boomerang killing itself when getting near the owner player (if they dont have anything out)
Boomerang prefab information
Trail ready for mirrored orientation.
Even more orientation fixes.
Midair visibility WIP.
Texture optimiziation.
Slash instead of blunt dmg.
- Compile errors
- Recalculate bounds
Fixed some weird sticking issues with boomerangs. Explore some sticking behaviour with entities
New icon and inventory effects
- Fixed animation controller forcing exit time on catch
- Implemented some radius on the hit casts (gives some leeway on having to directly hit the target)
Fixed client catch prediction (works well!)
Dump the extrapolation. Implement full clientside pediction instead. Behaving sensible at 150-200ms ping
Disable client predicted catching for now
Way more accurate landing point logic
Client predict catch logic
Add a bit of randomness to the starting rotation on client only (doesnt affect the hit box)
More realistic boomerang rotation! What boomerang only rotates on one axis anyway?
Half boomerang outwards travel distance
cant save thrown boomerang
- Retain Boomerang on hit (lodge it like other projectiles)
- Scrap bunch of left over hatchet stuff on world model
- Setup semi decent LOD values
- Standardise both thrown and world model settings
Animation updates for boomerang viewmodel content
Fixed bug causing has thrown not to be reset properly (clientside)
Route catch through RPC rather than flags to reduce the back and forth
Update admire animation and reset/reassign bones in viewmodel
- Fixed bug locking thrown boomerang from being used again
- Overwritable method on thrown
- Set client thrown flag properly
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Added catching cycle with catching animations to actually catch the boomerang
Way higher client rotation speed
Fixed projectile rotation flipping for a few bezier steps mid way through flight
NRE check on boomerang rayhit get collider material
Attempts to stop boomerang flipping mid way through its flight
Much cleaner move towards. Just update and delta time rather than fixed
First pass on client prediction. Going simple to begin with: custom extrapolation