135 Commits over 273 Days - 0.02cph!
- Use cached water depth when possible instead of recalculating it
- Make sure movement comp and anim comp "canSwim" variable can't get out of sync
Fix croc sometimes ending up with permanent Y rotation offset
- Give more precise hitboxes to crocodile bites, to allow sidestepping his charges
- Reduce speed when carrying corpses
- Improve bite contact
Missing part of previous commit
- Make croc drag corpses to the water to eat them
- Properly implement the advancing furious bites combo
- Allow croc to stray a bit further from water
- Prevent croc from fleeing mid-attack
- Make croc less aggressive
Add profiler markup to procedural croc tail
Increase croc slop following rotation interp speed, looks better with something as flat to the ground as him
Tweak anim transitions to make sure they at least work when speed = 0, making it easier to track down the issue
Fix croc using 2 consecutive 90 turns instead of a single 180
- Hook placeholder zigzag bite attack
- Workaround for animation pop after turn 90, need proper fix (maybe it's briefly going to walk locomotion)
- Update croc fsm declaration syntax
Cherry pick
110444 from scientists branch (loadout categories for rust editor)
edited crocodile turn 90 left and right anims and exported wip croc intimidate attack rm anim
Reduce twitches in croc anim transitions
Hook croc belly flop and more aggressive turning and snapping
Match croc speeds to anim
exported edited crocddile animations
Make crocodile waddle back to water if they strayed too far from it during a chase
Make GetCoarseVectorToShore more explicit and intuitive (no need to remap Y to Z and to extract distance from Z anymore)
Rework crocodile intimidate to be like an alternate combat idle instead of a custom animation state, more consistent with the tiger and easy to reset on pooling + no RPC required
Add option to disable/enable look at and spine deform on a per anim basis, use it to make croc intimidation look better
- Remove anim speed scaling on croc
- Increase melee range, interrupt intimidation if prey moves too far away
Regenerate root motion data
Revert root motion extractor workaround as we found a proper fix
crocodile animation exported after rig edit
exported crocodile sprint attack and turn animations after rig edit
Add missing state to croc
- Add special case to root motion extractor to handle the crocodile annoying root bone parent
- Regenerate root motion for all anims
Wip croc intimidate turns
exported crocodile turn anims with root motion
exported crocodile sprint atack anim after rig edit
Use bool instead of trigger for croc intimidation
Remove temp edits that were added to root motion extractor
crocodile sprint attack anim re-exported
- Temp workaround to be able to test new crocodile attacks
- Hook croc intimidation
Hook part of the new croc anims
- idle
- run, sprint
- sprinting land and swim attacks
- hit
Some issues with extracting root motion from croc as it has a weird rig
Remove need for an intermediate data type when declaring fsms (previous commit didn't go through)
Remove need for an intermediate data type when declaring fsms
exported crocodile swim sprint attack animation
Reimport croc intimidate and turn
Tweak croc biome preference
added and updated some crocodile animations