
433 Commits over 1,066 Days - 0.02cph!

Automatically refresh clan data occcaisionally so the server doesn't send very old info if all that changed was the score Updated FP.Nexus to expose refresh method
Fix nexus.transfer command incorrectly transferrying the ferry with you if you're standing on it Fix transfer triggers near islands being able to transfer things parented to ferries Fix transferring entities with a parent set incorrectly including the parent entity in the transfer
Fix funky TOD behavior on nexus enabled servers, hopefully
6 Days Ago
Maybe fix hostile UI sometimes not showing if you're inside a safe zone
6 Days Ago
Fix index out of range sometimes when clicking on the clan announcement textbox for editing Fix clicking on the clan announcement textbox not being able to put the caret right at the end of the text
6 Days Ago
Fix target detection triggers for turrets on nexus ferry being very far away from the turrets
7 Days Ago
Fix nexus map not filling the screen when zoomed out on ultrawide displays
7 Days Ago
Fix client crash when loading clan score events
13 Days Ago
Improvements for the nexus player position map marker on the server browser
13 Days Ago
Show an error indicator on the UI if nexus details fail to load for the connect screen (no more spinning forever) Include a special case for Steam returning no auth ticket Fix zone details clipping out of the map component
14 Days Ago
Merge fom main
16 Days Ago
Merge from main
23 Days Ago
Merge from main
28 Days Ago
Merge from main
33 Days Ago
Fix nexus map not appearing until you close and reopen it
33 Days Ago
Change the zone details on nexus map to use flex layout Use a separate prefab for the zone labels on the details panel vs. the map markers
33 Days Ago
Fix clicking on popup closing it
33 Days Ago
Add nexus map to the connect screen, make it look nicer when loading in
35 Days Ago
Change nexus favorites to use favorites.cfg
35 Days Ago
Merge from main
44 Days Ago
Merge from main
3 Months Ago
Fix pooling issue with zone name labels for the map
3 Months Ago
Fix shader error in StandardMap
3 Months Ago
Merge from main
3 Months Ago
Merge from main
5 Months Ago
Fix clan table map shader compile error
5 Months Ago
Merge from main
5 Months Ago
Split up score events for hacking crates so half is for hacking and half is for being the first to loot it Add a score event for looting an elite crate Bit of refactoring to keep this clean
6 Months Ago
Merge from main
6 Months Ago
Hook up localizable messages for all event types so they render properly on the clan UI
6 Months Ago
Implement a bunch of clan score events - Killing a player from another clan - Killing unarmed players (lose score) - Being killed by a player in another clan (lose score) - Destroying bradley - Destroying a TC owned by another clan - Hacking a crate - Running the excavator - Boarding the cargo ship
6 Months Ago
Merge from main
8 Months Ago
Update FP.Nexus to batch submit score events to the backend
8 Months Ago
Add clan role for controlling access to score events log Fix incorrect role tooltip translation keys
8 Months Ago
Fix clan table map shader showing the framebuffer sometimes
8 Months Ago
Merge from main
8 Months Ago
Implement clan leaderboard UI
8 Months Ago
Add an extra shader param to StandardMap to overlay detail on the map
8 Months Ago
Add clan.editsRequireClanTable convar so servers can enable clan edits from anywhere
8 Months Ago
Add a method to BasePlayer to add score events to their clan Update clan UI to show total score and score event log Cache the player's IClan instance on the server to make doing clan things easier
8 Months Ago
Make steamID optional for clan score events Nexus clan implementation updates for score events Update FP.Nexus
8 Months Ago
Default clan score to 0 in DB, no point being null
8 Months Ago
Cache SQLite prepared statements automatically so they don't need to be reparsed every time they run
8 Months Ago
Change clans to soft delete instead of fulling purging from the SQLite database Add clan score value with a new table for tracking clan score events Incrememnt clan DB version because migrating the unique index for clan names to a partial index was too complicated (sorry anyone who started using clans already)
8 Months Ago
Merge from main
9 Months Ago
Refactor map shader so the bits related to getting the map pixel colors are in a shared include file Add a new shader for things in the world which renders the map onto it Updated clan table to show the actual map instead of something else
9 Months Ago
Merge from clan_chat_emoji_fix
9 Months Ago
Set ShouldTransferAssociatedFiles for painted item storage entity (fixes egg suit texture not transferring between servers)
9 Months Ago
Merge from main
9 Months Ago
Server compile fix