
430 Commits over 1,066 Days - 0.02cph!

1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Set the default clan logo to nothing instead of the FP logo
1 Year Ago
Allow stamping the clan logo onto signs in the paint UI Fix clan async callbacks being called before clan info was updated
1 Year Ago
Make the clan table an entity so we can press E on it to open the clan UI
1 Year Ago
Fix some wonky nameplate behavior when mixing clans and teams
1 Year Ago
Leader rank always has all permissions set so don't tell the client otherwise Remove refresh button from logs tab, it'll auto-refresh when switching to the tab instead
1 Year Ago
Add a short pause to nexus.redirect so the loading screen can render before disconnecting
1 Year Ago
Fix bug in ferry pathfinding code
1 Year Ago
Update CraggyIsland_Nexus to fix NREs on load (had references to old rocks)
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Stop moving/rotating the ferry if it reached its target position
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Show zone names on the nexus map Fade out zone names when zooming in because the details panel will show
1 Year Ago
Fix clan table notification in vitals area being the wrong size Fix right clicking on the nexus map moving the point of interest
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Codegen and manifest to fix merge errors
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Hopefully fix island billboards spawning too close for real this time
1 Year Ago
Fix duplicate inbound/outbound zones
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Properly list nearby islands on the zone map
1 Year Ago
WIP connection point details on the nexus map Fix look rotation is zero messages more Fix ferry only wanting to travel to full servers
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Stick a sign on the ferry that shows the name of the zone it is travelling to next
1 Year Ago
Make the nexus map only show details for a zone when it's not ambiguous (zoom closer into one)
1 Year Ago
Hopefully fix island billboards spawning close-ish to shore on some maps
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Update ferry so it can find a proper place to go to/from when transferring to zones with no island billboard
1 Year Ago
Don't put the ferry in line for the dock until it's close enough
1 Year Ago
Require more water on the area in front of the ferry dock
1 Year Ago
Reduce the number of sphere casts ferries usually need to do Remove a list sort in ferry pathing
1 Year Ago
Ferry pooling fixes
1 Year Ago
Update island positioning so it should clamp itself within ValidBounds Adjust island prefab so the triggers don't spawn closer than expected Don't show the ocean transfer message on the HUD if the position the player is heading for is out of world bounds
1 Year Ago
Change debug logs when a transfer destination position couldn't be found to warnings (down from errors) Only show the warning that nexus island couldn't be found for a ferry in editor Scale the fallback transfer destination with island spawn distance to not spawn behind them
1 Year Ago
Update ferry sphere cast so it can collide with triggers tagged FerryAvoid
1 Year Ago
Avoid passing zero vectors to Quaternion.LookRotation in ferry
1 Year Ago
Update math to determine island billboard positions so it hopefully lines up with the maps now
1 Year Ago
Reduce how far out the island billboards spawn so they aren't out of bounds on larger maps
1 Year Ago
Fix the nexus.transfer command taking the ferry with you when on a ferry
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Fix scaled map coordinates having the wrong sign on one end
1 Year Ago
Initial implementation of ferry queueing at docks
1 Year Ago
Scale out of zone bounds coordinates down on the nexus map so markers shouldn't appear over the wrong zone when far in the ocean Early exit from update if map isn't open
1 Year Ago
Improve the ferry movement animation a bit Double the max speed of the ferry for testing Add some debugging features to the ferry (add FERRY_DEBUG to scripting defines to enable)
1 Year Ago
Remove the layout component (again) from GameUI.Hud.Vitals Merge commit 71034 didn't apply the removal in 70970 properly
1 Year Ago
Show the player position on the nexus map and make it support focusing on the player
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Parse map metadata from the nexus Automatically show details for the zone in view on the nexus map
1 Year Ago
Map UI cleanup