
224 Commits over 123 Days - 0.08cph!

8 Years Ago
Merge from main
8 Years Ago
Fixed foliage not showing on editor start (bug in ST wind code)
8 Years Ago
Added global wind control via windzone
8 Years Ago
terrain grass texture tint tweaks end
8 Years Ago
Removed height params from foliage wind anim; controlled by green vcolor channel now
8 Years Ago
overgrowth tint tweaks terrain grass texture tint alignment (works on the same colour level as overgrowth)
8 Years Ago
Added xz & y wind attenuation via vertex color rr & g
8 Years Ago
Disabled revz in editor (only needed on builds)
8 Years Ago
small draw distance fix on warehouse
8 Years Ago
Cherry picked shadow shader fixes from main
8 Years Ago
Fixed potential compile error in ST billboard Fixed rust/std shadows not considering custom displacement Added ST style wind support to foliage shader ("fastest" mode) Added global_WindDirection set via wind prefab
8 Years Ago
Bunker room prefab update
8 Years Ago
Bunker room glass
8 Years Ago
Bunker room COL/LODs
8 Years Ago
Pipe variants, prefabs, LOD/COL
8 Years Ago
Bunker room LODs/COL/prefabs
8 Years Ago
Pipe/debris/industrial fixtures asset tweaks
8 Years Ago
Bunker room prefabs
8 Years Ago
Bunker prefabs
8 Years Ago
Bunker room prefabs
8 Years Ago
Fixed foliage shader
8 Years Ago
tweaked loot placement in MT
8 Years Ago
Bunker rooms backup
8 Years Ago
Concrete debris
8 Years Ago
Light prefabs with shadows
8 Years Ago
Industrial fixtures
8 Years Ago
Modular pipes
8 Years Ago
Modular pipes
8 Years Ago
Bunker materials
8 Years Ago
Bunker trims
8 Years Ago
Industrial fixtures greybox
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
posish fix for the office occluder - airfield
8 Years Ago
Batch of occluders for rubble piles, shipping containers, modular brick/concrete walls, pipeline pipes + prefab setup
8 Years Ago
switching overgrowth materials to nature/foliage shader
8 Years Ago
Batch of occluders for industrial structures, sphere tank, airfield office, airfield hangars, airfield perimeter walls, powerplant cooling stacks + prefab setup
8 Years Ago
Improved temporal alpha dither to break pattern + touched foliage and grass shaders
8 Years Ago
Tweaked transmission and added biome tinting Added transmission to foliage shader and stripped more unused properties Updated speedtree shaders with transmittance params
8 Years Ago
Replaced old roadside powerboxes on procgen - removed old
8 Years Ago
merge from main
8 Years Ago
Updatingsome procgen clutter Adding a second large common bush
8 Years Ago
dock_ground_concrete material changes concrete_h meta resize to 1024
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
creeping plants / flowers custom normals pass for volume lowered cutout to .21 for distance volume
8 Years Ago
concrete_h mask
8 Years Ago
Added concrete_h texture
8 Years Ago
merge from main
8 Years Ago
cherry picking 18836
8 Years Ago
cherry picking 18817