6,819 Commits over 2,586 Days - 0.11cph!
Fixed range indicators not showing when hovering a tile surrounding a unit
Round timer reminder emote for local player
Shitty hack to hide player profile button when in what's new screen.
UI fixes/button disables for different states
FOR FUCK SAKE UI target marker
FOR FUCK SAKE In range marker
Merge & removed player areas from scene, started splitting to prefabs with hierachy
some avatar setup prep work
FOR FUCK SAKE WIP history stuff
Your turn is now auto-ended if none of your units can move or attack and you have CP left
Player areas now get hidden/shown correctly
added %area for attack descriptions, updated healer attack description
Player profile win/loss counts are now real
Fixed player profile button level starting at 0
map name and date are now used for match history events
Merge and some basic match history functionality
▌ ▄▄▉ ▇▋▅█▉▋ ▆▌▋▄ ▅▊▇▊▋/▇▌█
▌▉▋ ▋▅▄▅ ▅▄▅▊ ▌▉▅▍▉█▍ ▄▌▄▋▊▄
wip player profile placeholder ui
MatchHistoryEntry protobuf
Grabber range increased 5->6
added a default formation for map4
FOR FUCK SAKE fix map loading error/tweak shader
▊ ▅▆▋█▌▄▄ ▊▄▊ ▉▄▅▋▍▉█▅▅▅
▌▊▄ ▍▉▇▋ ▆▇▉▋ ▉▉▄▆ ▅▋▄▉▅▉▅▅▅ ▉▉█▆▉▌ ▉▅▆▄▌█ ▆▌▌█▇▌▆ ▉▌▍█▄
!▉ ▌▌▇▊ ▍▉▊ █▍▇▄ ▍█▊ ▉▍▊▇ █▆▋
▇ ▇▌▋ ▅▆▉▅ ▅█▇ / ▇▆▊▇█▇/▋▍▍▌▋█▌/▊▉█.....
reworked some ai/attack helper functions. Fixed AI trying to attack to the direct unit tile when it should be a splash tile
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak tile shader