6,819 Commits over 2,586 Days - 0.11cph!
Reworked command queue slightly and it now keeps a history of all commands in a match
FOR FUCK SAKE tile shader fix
FOR FUCK SAKE tile textures
Copied Pal's code-callable-AI-think instead of letting Apex tick the AI
Refactored ClientInputCmd creations into a single ClientInputCmd.IssueCmd(), AI and player actions now both call this function.
Added UnitMove and UnitAttack AI actions
increased Burner attack area size 3->4
moved to a scan & think AI... sheets?
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak render queue on tile wall material to fix ghost display issue
FOR FUCK SAKE lighting
FOR FUCK SAKE post process on camera to fix weird stuff from AA
▉ █▆▋█ ▌▍▄▅▍▍ ▄▌▊▇▍▇▉▍█▆█
▅▍█ ▄▋▊▍ ▅▋▉▄ ▄▌▄▄▍▍█ ▊▆▋▅▍▋▋ ▅▊▆▊▅▆
combined all invididual SendToClient (for both players) calls into SendToClients to centralise
Separated all Messenger.Send calls to Messenger.SendToHost/SendToClient
finished hiding all networkmanager sends behind new Messenger
Biter health reduced 6->5, movement 4->3
FOR FUCK SAKE cleanup removing unused post effect
FOR FUCK SAKE camera post process
FOR FUCK SAKE unit prefab
FOR FUCK SAKE fix ghost stencil sorting issue
FOR FUCK SAKE fix missing material.....?
FOR FUCK SAKE more shader tweak
!A implementing Diogo's ghost shader stuff
FOR FUCK SAKE unit prefab for ghost stuff / unitview scrip to assign team