6,819 Commits over 2,586 Days - 0.11cph!
FOR FUCK SAKE fix random shader error message not related with anything
FOR FUCK SAKE tile shader, adding arrow system, texture
FOR FUCK SAKE wip tile texture/shader
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak background
wip valid target prediction for movement highlighting
Renamed Gunker to Shooter, fixed default squad attempting to have more units than max
Increased the movement cost of heigher terrain
Slasher unit setup for testing
FOR FUCK SAKE texture/shader
Changed some attack stuff to take a game instance reference, not a board
client side game timer + display
Turn indicator and turn banner both now show the actual turn. Added util function to convert individual turn to overall turn
Increased burner dmg area from 4->5 tiles
Burner attack is now 1-2 dmg
FOR FUCK SAKE cleaning useless texture
FOR FUCK SAKE tile highlight shader and texture to work as a flipbook for more state
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak unit texture/color
FOR FUCK SAKE mortar/turret texture/prefab
FOR FUCK SAKE mortar animation controller and offset
FOR FUCK SAKE cursors, removing unused files
FOR FUCK SAKE Ui, victory screen
Broke the tile highlighting even more
FOR FUCK SAKEI Adding cursor
Cursor fix, enemy hp red, LOS improvement
Added code to change mouse cursor based on state/action for everything but friendly unit supporting another... I think
Placeholder cursors for different states
FOR FUCK SAKE healthbar to work with any number
Camera rotation fixes, team coloured health bars. Removed old unused healthbar prefab.
Biter movement increased 3 -> 4
Squad editor max unit count display no longer hardcoded
Reduced max units to 8, info hover panel now colours to team
FOR FUCK SAKE unit panel with bigger description space