2,200 Commits over 578 Days - 0.16cph!
- Entity animator now lerps roll/pitch
- type fix on splash screen
- removed some text from level start screen
FOR FUCK SAKE burner prefab, tweak hit animation
FOR FUCK SAKE bouncer prefab, relink entity animator
FOR FUCK SAKE bouncer prefab/controller, re rig and tweaked all the anim
!A bouncer roll anim
- Reduced explosion cam shake some more
- AIRandomMovement now has a chance to stop moving
- Removed random offset for cocktail launcher
- Increased blast radius of cocktail launcher and increased damage, enabled player damage
- Reduced loading time of level start/level up screen
- Other bits
- Switch XP / room bonus bars around
- Number of level ups is now stored and XP can rollover
- Added level up text to bar when levelups pending
- Refactored earlier XP test code
- Rebuilt player prefab
FOR FUCK SAKE plasma projectile life
FOR FUCK SAKE plasma particle prefab
!A particle scale animation/controller
- Removed large rooms from factory tileset
- Rooms, turrets, and reduced cam shake
- Increased the speed of game over fade
- Missile sound
- Added gates to rest of the rooms
- Gate sounds
- Added special collision to gates so enemie and projectiles can't pass through
- Started EntityEvents system for reporting events for animation etc
- Big purge of BaseEntity and related dead code
- Added shoulder slots to PlayerShipModels
- Rebuilt playership prefab
- BreakApart script can now specify if the order should be random or not, and the order is now correct
- Playership prefab rebuild
- Fixed the ghosting effect on muzzle flashes
- Playership prefab merge/rebuild
- Massive merge to new branch
- Launcher and trigger stuff
- Fixed missiles not working
- Fixed excessive text spam when out of ammo
- Turrets are now more dangerous
- Score submissions no longer overwrite if lower than best score