
2,811 Commits over 1,918 Days - 0.06cph!

7 Years Ago
Fixed bug with phone and voice bugs
7 Years Ago
Phone fixes
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Phone, probably broke but need build to test it.
7 Years Ago
Phone almost ready to use voice.
7 Years Ago
gangster models / prefabs
7 Years Ago
Some phone fixes.
7 Years Ago
Should be properly merged now...
7 Years Ago
undone merge, something fucked up
7 Years Ago
merging changes so far
7 Years Ago
NPC vis fix
7 Years Ago
Fixed playtest InfoMessage bug reported by Ryleigh.
7 Years Ago
Merge minor Character cleanup to trunk
7 Years Ago
Reverting new changes that have been moved to the branch.
7 Years Ago
gang hq
7 Years Ago
Gang buildings are no longer spawned randomly.
7 Years Ago
Gang hq. Gang buildings will spawn differently.
7 Years Ago
Made What's New screen actually work
7 Years Ago
Add the amount of an item to dropped items
7 Years Ago
Fix another briefcasey issue
7 Years Ago
Changed GamePhysics calls to match Unity defaults on the same calls, for QueryTriggerInteraction. Fixed fists not working.
7 Years Ago
Fix for Paul's updated briefcase being a briefcase for ants.
7 Years Ago
Merging in Bill's cash branch
7 Years Ago
Turned What's New back on
7 Years Ago
car window fix
7 Years Ago
Last gang member clears correctly when they leave and the gang disbands
7 Years Ago
Disable What's New screen again for now
7 Years Ago
Fixed error, builds now fail properly.
7 Years Ago
Fixed deployable item placement, which was broken by the non-alloc physics merge. The Unity default for OverlapSphere is QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal, but the GamePhysics default is QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Reduce squatter time from 4 to 3 mins
7 Years Ago
Minor text edit
7 Years Ago
Re-enabled and updated What's New
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fix some door duplicate code + a switched a bool that was the wrong way around
7 Years Ago
Always allow closing open doors. This could benefit from the pie menu as it should really be possible to buy buildings with open doors too. You'll now need to close a door to buy a building, but at least if you open a door from the inside of a building that you don't own, you can now close it again!
7 Years Ago
Minor edits
7 Years Ago
Adjusted door HP
7 Years Ago
Made door forcing interaction text clearer
7 Years Ago
Door damage. Basic but working.
7 Years Ago
Respawn correctly in gang buildings when respawning from a prison stay
7 Years Ago
Fix a merge bug
7 Years Ago
Merge building takeover code into Main. Can now act as a squatter to take over a building owned by someone else.
7 Years Ago
car fix
7 Years Ago
Merge physics alloc branch
7 Years Ago
Merge branch into Main
7 Years Ago
Merge gang buildings into Main
7 Years Ago
merging in Paul's changes
7 Years Ago
Oops, didn't mean to leave that ridiculous LINQ conversion in