2,811 Commits over 1,918 Days - 0.06cph!
Got interaction with dropped world items working correctly
Show current total cash in HUD
HeldItemModels doesn't need to be public. Just looks confusing in inspector.
Changed medkit use from automatic when selected (which was meaning people kept using them accidentally) to quickslot-based, pressing left-mouse or E to use when selected.
TryAdd in ItemContainer automatically stacks items where possible. Note that this means an item can now be destroyed during a TryAdd call
Unschedule sun events on destroyed vehicles
Sync prison times to the client so timer can be shown. Also ended up having both mission and prison times in game time rather than both in real time.
Show timer times always in real time (not game time)
Show prison time remaining in the HUD
Increase weapon prices in stores
Refactored NetworkEntity instantiation. We weren't digging recursively into grandchildren so when a player joined a game, if other players were in vehicles, their held items wouldn't sync due to the vehicle -> player -> helditem heirarchy skipping the grandchild. It was being sent from the server but not read by the client.
Merge character visibility improvements and fixes
Cops no longer drop stuff when they die
Stop NPCs showing money FX for their initial money allowance
Adjusted wanted decay times down a bit
Made prison spawns an area rather than a point
What's New back up. Added Pawn Shop.
Fixed NPCs thinking they can't afford drugs, and simplified some code in the process.
Removed need for Update methods on all doors
Door animators disable properly again
Revert to 2017.1.b10 fixes doors.
A little bit of door code clarification. Doesn't actually change any of what the code does.
Adjust LOD dist for KD Tree props
Fixing up LOD settings on a few world objects - Fixing up LOD settings on a few world objects
Fixed text chat not showing up
Revert to 2017.1.0f3 to fix issues with particle systems and UI.
Less frequent character vis checks
Include far clip plane in inview check
Reduce raycasts for non-visible character checks from 3 to 2. Seems good enough
Improving character visibility system on the client
Fixed character visibility calculation issues when objects (like streetlights) has colliders a little bigger than their visible meshes
LODBias on 4 still has too much pop-in really. Just putting it right back up to the original setting of 5
Reduced pawn shop payout from 75% to 50% - Mainly because it generally means less inventory-filling cash values.
Merge Pawn Shop into Main!
Put LOD bias back up from 1 to 4. The whole game seems pretty geared towards to the LOD multiplier that was set
Merge into main for item code refactor. See the big changelist on changeset #3261.
Pie menu, basically functional
Got the basics in for a pie menu
Fixed nav arrow butting in when it shouldn't be