8,451 Commits over 2,131 Days - 0.17cph!
Force gets added to ragdoll.
Added basic health, ragdolling and hitbox system.
Gun fires again. Need to plumb hitbox system in.
basic vm + wm done. Loading automatically.
VM changes. Making prefab for gun.
PlayerState and PlayerRepresentation changes.
Player spawn and position sync correct again. Lerping.
Going home. Basic player tests.
Added some anims.
Set up player anims.
Added some of the new player system.
Hitbox system.
Merging entity refactor to main
Fixed forcing serialization.
Fixed entities not resubscribing to groups.
Fixed entities that exist in level not being destroyed on client or spawned on sever.
Fucked off old player classes ready for new improved versions.
Entity shit is getting close to being done. Groups now work propely.
Tidying network player up a little bit. Seperate player entities spawning from normal entity spawing.
In the process of switching to refactored entity shit.
Done a bit more of entity refactor.
Found possible problem with culling grid?
Changed player to use character controller instead of rigid body. Player networking is mostly in sync from early tests.
Sync is a bit smoother going home.
Positions should now sync.
Fixed error when playergui isn't loaded.
Fixed Steam not shutting down properly.
Fixed console not receiving input.
Changed output folder and exe name.
Updated so that add_id is copied on build
Updated to b21. Updated TOD it should now build!
Basic player shit should sync.
Added and tested serialization trigger and events. Dirty as fuck though.
Now sends shit to players proper. Also tidied menu hide logic etc.
Shit now spawns in properish.
Updated plugins. Testing network player shit.
Renamed some shit because of case sensitivity.
Testing to see if updates are working.
Manifest shit probably finally fixed.
Manifest stuff working properly now I think. Correct prefabs are loaded based on ID.
Persistance works kind of.