userAdam Wcancel

4,871 Commits over 2,068 Days - 0.10cph!

7 Years Ago
Deleted PostAttackCombatAction and moved it to the end of the attack command. Moves and attacks now return their calculated CP cost to the calling function. Added Free Move / Free Attack floating combat text
7 Years Ago
Increased shooter dmg 4->5
7 Years Ago
Added a quick script to make the booster rotate until it has anims. More friendly-ability range fixes.
7 Years Ago
reduced volume of attack mode clip
7 Years Ago
Added Booster unit. Generated unit portraits. Fixed some target colour issues.
7 Years Ago
Each attack definition can now specify it's own CP cost. Added ResetMovementCombatAction
7 Years Ago
using new placement effect
7 Years Ago
more squad editor
7 Years Ago
Fixed rotation spazzing when picking up units
7 Years Ago
added PlayHiAnim() to UnitView, now ref that instead. Unit hit gets triggered when dropping a unit onto tile
7 Years Ago
Placement effect now plays when dropping a unit on a tile in squad editor Added DelayedDestroy script to JumpEffect
7 Years Ago
Moved info card panel display from long hover to hover event
7 Years Ago
Disabled top and bottom fade masks for unit panel
7 Years Ago
squad editor unit list now defaults to the large view, clean up
7 Years Ago
removed debug test output
7 Years Ago
mousing into the map viewport of preview map now switches to edit mode
7 Years Ago
more squad editor
7 Years Ago
Deleted the squad editor unit buttons from the scene Changed unit button bar spacings to work with normal Unit button prefabs
7 Years Ago
Added events for clicking map button for preview and for edit. Bottom squad editor panel now opens/closes depending for edit/preview modes
7 Years Ago
Can now drag units from the panel onto the board
7 Years Ago
Scale fix. Dragging and release a unit onto a blank tile now works
7 Years Ago
Added mouse input event for left click up NOT over the board area
7 Years Ago
board unit dragging basics
7 Years Ago
Added mouse input events for releasing left mouse over a unit or a tile Disabled drag scaling for now moe wip dragging
7 Years Ago
merged to main
7 Years Ago
merged from main
7 Years Ago
Added more cmd logging to try and catch the verification bug
7 Years Ago
seed rename
7 Years Ago
added some cmd verification debug log, version++
7 Years Ago
Fixed the host not ending games immediately when the attacker still has command points left but they've killed all the enemy units
7 Years Ago
added OptionMouseClicks option, logic not done yet
7 Years Ago
Reverted Control1 map to fix layout
7 Years Ago
Reverted Control map to fix layout
7 Years Ago
Healer no longer thinks it can self targer
7 Years Ago
Removed debug U key to hide UI
7 Years Ago
version++ added a quick What's New data entry, no screenshots for headers.
7 Years Ago
merged from squadedit branch to main
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
more wip
7 Years Ago
Camera OverUI is now a child of main camera, zero'd. Removed CameraOverUI.cs, fixed mouse alignment issues when dragging units out.
7 Years Ago
more wip
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
squad editor
7 Years Ago
squad editor
7 Years Ago
more squad editor
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
squad editor drag and drop wip
7 Years Ago
disabled ALT key camera rotation
7 Years Ago
#ifdef'd editor functions