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customisation editor dev tools fix
added error message to customisation build tool when an item doesn't have a material named 'default'.
fixed a bunch of material default names.
Added Media/Steam/Screenshots
added action shots to Media/Screenshots
Applied existing objectives UI prefab changes.
Added an instance of objectives UI prefab to match outcome screen.
Display sponsorship objectives on outcomescreen.
Hide match sponsorship UI on match finish.
Show board-collected cash on career outcome screen, recalculate final cash.
Fix error message not showing when dragging incompatible replays for playback
Added an allow exit override to UIEditorNavBar, enabled for squad editor.
Chat input no longer blocks raycasts by default (it gets disabled when closing the chat window, but it set to enabled in the scene)
added car6 map, default squad.
moved screenshots to media folder
Check version number when trying to load a replay, display error message panel if out of date or invalid.
Added Media/Steam folder with the latest assets from Lewis
unregister TileView listeners when destroying to tilefall
Added confirmation panel to career exit
Added a no button to the global popup panel.
Added yes/no actions to global popup panel.
Fix for sponsorship objectives setting incorrect size when playing another match after minimising in previous match.
Sponsorshop objectives always start expanded.
career mode squad editor avatar customisations applied
Fixed career mode squad editor team colours.
toggle trophy Glow object when hovering a platform with an equipped trophy
trophy items get setup to use platform for rotation/interaction.
trophies now use trophy platform collider as interaction collider.
Use away colours for opponent team when kits clash.
Removed unused AllowVerticalRotation from CIV.
Added MinMaxHorizontalRotation & MinMaxVeritcalRotation to CIV, enforced when ClampRotation is ticked.
Daily challenge opponent customisation is now based on the daily seed.
Merge from kit clash branch.
cherry pick grabber LOS fix
KitDatabase returns a non-colour-clashing kit definition for AI teams.
Had to change a bunch of KitDatabase/ColourManager stuff for this, so it needs a good testing before merging to main, but it seems to be working.
line attack area can now check unit LOS too, set to true for Grabber
Added support for trophy material customisation options.
Removed material options from soccer ball trophy definition.
Fixed dunce hat duplicate material name error.
Removed UITutorialPromptYesButton script from the randomise button
Rate limited switched from a message box to a chat message.
added chat message when attempting a connection to the server
Pressing F9 in customisation editor (with devtools enabled) will now toggle the UI there too.
Pressing R during avatar customisation will randomise everything, so you can randomise without the UI visible.
Removed CanvasGroup from a child element of career squad editor unit button prefab so I can fade the whole thing properly.
Career mode squad editor unit buttons respond to mod slot hover events the same way all the other unit lists do.
Tile dmg based attacks (such as the Igniter) now get associated with their owning unit, dmg gets tracked.
Combat objectives now get updated at the start of each turn as well.
Removed Igniter from the dmg sponsorship objective excluded unit list now that it gets tracked.
Career mode squad editor now shows correct unit info including mod values for career units. (on the board, on unit hover, on unit list icon hover)