userAdam Woolridgecancel

10,916 Commits over 3,347 Days - 0.14cph!

7 Years Ago
some TileView setup on Tile prefab, removed some debug spam
7 Years Ago
moved some OnTileHover stuff to BoardView
7 Years Ago
tile hovering wip stuff
7 Years Ago
Added tile-based LOS testing class
7 Years Ago
turnbanner stays on longer, state fixes
7 Years Ago
units can now attack and move in any order in a turn
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
more turnstate
7 Years Ago
more turnstate stuff
7 Years Ago
added TurnState protobuf
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
fixed friendly-target abilities after moving a unit, fixed NRE on combat text
7 Years Ago
More hit % panel improvements
7 Years Ago
hit % display logic improvements
7 Years Ago
bunch of sutff
7 Years Ago
wip movement directions
7 Years Ago
Fixed player health bar bug with not unregistering unit death callback
7 Years Ago
Chat disabled on game finish. Added chat closed message. Chat clears start of each game.
7 Years Ago
PlayerDatabase monobehaviour no mo
7 Years Ago
PlayerRecord stuff
7 Years Ago
Added PlayerRecord protobuf
7 Years Ago
increased turn time 60->90 seconds
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
chat fadeouts, refreshes etc
7 Years Ago
ui fix
7 Years Ago
Launcher unit def fix (was pointing to the wrong attack)
7 Years Ago
squad editor unit panel moved to right side
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
chat tweaks
7 Years Ago
commands can be set to not be queued, commands can have string arg, chat works
7 Years Ago
more chat wip
7 Years Ago
chatting shit
7 Years Ago
wip UI setup for chat
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
placeholder turn timer bar
7 Years Ago
hacky implementation of player turn verification for commands
7 Years Ago
CmdNextTurn now includes the round timer duration from the server. Some event stuff.
7 Years Ago
Added round timers to server game instances. 30 seconds. Need to add server check to check client commands are ignored after their turn ends
7 Years Ago
small refactor
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
colour coding stuff
7 Years Ago
player panels now use steam portraits
7 Years Ago
updated protobuffers to have a merged Player object to tidy some shit up
7 Years Ago
healer movement range 4->5
7 Years Ago
Local player panel is always the left one
7 Years Ago
camera rotates so the local player team is always on the left side, combat text fix
7 Years Ago
player can now cancel matchmaking search
7 Years Ago
in-game menu now works
7 Years Ago
wip in-game menu
7 Years Ago
fucking animator controllers