11,585 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.13cph!
Practice mode button is now flagged as editor only
Enabled practice mode on anim branch, AI auto ends turn
Set message object enabled again
Attack info panel hit % now shows attack direction
unit miniframe prefab updated with hit header link
Attack hit/block bonus is now worked out at 5% per tile height instead of a flat 10% for being higher/lower
more match-time spawning WIP
Fix for portrait render breaking builds
Can now right click a .Unit file and render just that unit's portrait
Moved unit id assignment to a function
WIP unit spawn stuff
Can now set colours per category for emote bubbles and options
Refactored tile highlighting, now takes border state and state as parameters instead of calculating it inside the function
Made the message object active again by default
more highlighting cleanup
refactored out the clear parameter of tile highlighting to a separate function call, removed it from all calls
Switched map2 tiletset to temple b
Refactored tile highlight functions into one, tips.
Can click tip for another
Increased tip textbox size
added Tips data file and tip text to menu, showing a random tip each time menu is displayed
Fixed tile ghosting in movement tile highlighting
UnitStandardAttackRange can now exclude anchor tile
Fixed slasher attacking itself
Fixed ProjectileHitView NRE ???
NRE fixes for kill feed and chat panel coroutines being called after match end and objects are innactive
local player record win/loss stats updated correctly
Swapped map 6 (dota) out for map2, swapped tileset
Removed an accidental instance of a script from a scene object
server outputs version number when runnign in batch mode
Moved some maps to OutOfRotation folder
Emotes animate
whats new definition updatre
typo fix in whats new data file
Disabled the Facepunch common stuff if server
Hacky fixes for self-targetting bug
Avatar clicks are ignored if the emote buttons are visible
Fix for file access when testing with multiple clients