11,585 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.13cph!
test: cooldowns removed, CP back to 5
Reduced some cooldowns to 2, reduced max CP to 4 from 5
Worker hp 4->3, Swapper hp 2->3
Switch to left click select / right click action controls. Swapper/worker prototype setup.
prototyping Swapper unit, added functionality needed for it
renamed Raiser unit to Worker. Can now lower tiles as well as raise them.
Raiser unit data files and placeholder model prefab
UnitViews now raycast to tiles and positing above their offset so they will stay on top of moving tiles
Broke attacks to make them better
fucked off the grey number on CP bar
removed audio listener from UI camera, fixed the CP panels after merge
more cp ui, max cp is now part of Defines
gameplay warning stuff, started splitting CP ui stuff into prefabs for coding
command point UI empty classes/setup
Groundwork for attacks being able to require same height or not
Change Tile top level object to Tiles layer, changed tile mouse detection to Raycasting individual tile cubes
unit info card now shows all the correct data. Added colour description tags for attacks
LongHoverTime exposed to inspector. Info panel now works except attack description
Movement doesn't trigger cooldown. Max CP capped at 5
Fix for info panel not disappearing
Command point prototyping
Unit protobuf, track last attacked and moved turns
Fix? for players getting opponent's squad