userAdam Woolridgecancel

414 Commits over 365 Days - 0.05cph!

3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
A* navigation now respects the current speed fraction. Updated cargo ship AI design file.
3 Years Ago
cargo ship AI design files. updated cargo ship test scene.
3 Years Ago
HumanPathFinder gets virtual info zone if applicable. BaseNavigator SetPosition navmesh function will now attempt to fallback to the A* mode.
3 Years Ago
Bunch of stuff for virtual AIInformationZone support. Added a tool to convert cargoship data and old move/cover point stuff to the new setup. NPCSpawner can now setup A*/virtual aiz data if required. Cargo test scene update
3 Years Ago
BaseNavigator fixes for A* mode. Cargoship wip and test scene.
3 Years Ago
merge from finalprefabs
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
AI tool update.
3 Years Ago
Removed now unused ScientistNPCSpawner. Fixed AIMovePoint gizmo NRE. Updated AI tool.
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
Applied client editor brain nav shelved fixes.
3 Years Ago
Applied AI tool shelved changes
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
tunnel dweller prefab tweak
3 Years Ago
AIInformationGrid profiling and reworked array access
3 Years Ago
More profiling, bit of refactoring.
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
more cleanup/fixes
3 Years Ago
Misc cleanup
3 Years Ago
Added a ton of extra profiling
3 Years Ago
some fixes/cleanup
3 Years Ago
delete commented code section
3 Years Ago
merge from tunneldweller
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
move the IAIAttack and IAISenses implementations from Scientist to Human
3 Years Ago
Moved AIStateContainer to a separate file
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
merge from cleanup
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
Score down any roam point that we are very close to. Distance based scoring changes. Roam point reservation improvements. Oilrig scientist roam idle intervals reduced.
3 Years Ago
merge from cover
3 Years Ago
Added tunable BestRoamPointMaxDistance
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
merge from mergefrommain
3 Years Ago
merge from navtick
3 Years Ago
Update animal AI design to now use StateError and StateFinished when roaming
3 Years Ago
updated mil tunnel scientist AI design
3 Years Ago
small Chase / TakeCover state improvements & cleanup
3 Years Ago
Added reserved position and entity slot enums for AIMemoryBank, switched placeholder hardcoded values to use them. Animal roam state now returns to home point if no suitable roam points are found from current position.
3 Years Ago
Added BestMovementPointMaxDistance and BestCoverPointMaxDistance to BaseNavigator. These can be used to optimize AIPoint lookups per AI npc/location. This allows the new grid to still be used for optimizations whilst still working for the tunnel dweller range changes on main.
3 Years Ago
Store AI spawn position as their home position in slot 4 of AIBrain position memory bank. Added BaseNavigateHome state. Chase state improvements.
3 Years Ago
update MT design
3 Years Ago
test scene update
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
merge from miltunnel
3 Years Ago
merge from attack range multiplier changes
3 Years Ago
Excavator test scene
3 Years Ago
junkpile_a cover point tweaks