2,823 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.03cph!
updated player gesture source
Added new player gestures to mechanim, created parameters
Exported new player gesture anims (shrug / victory) & set up clips
updates to player gesture source
added player gesture anims ( surrender / hurry up)
updated player gesture source file
updated player gesture source file
Made all current player gestures loopable (so player can stay in this state if desired) for wave / thumbsup / point / unarmed / danger
Updated gesture anim source file
added torch vm alt attack source files
Added alternate attack for torch & updated controller
updated vm hammer & rock source files
updated alt attacks for vm hammer & rock
Added anim events to rock vm
Fixed issue with impact sounds not working on the hammer
Added alternate attacks for rock & hammer
Changed target bone for melee & tool weapons & re-positioned them (to fix weapons leaving hands)
updated rigged vm stone hatchet source file
updated stone hatchet vm prefab
re-rigged stone hatchet view model with updated model
deleted old stone hatchet materials
updated player bota bag drink anim
updated player bota bag source anim
updated vm bow source anim
Added vm anim source file for picking berries/fruit etc
updated stone hatchet icon
implemented new stone hatchet & updated anims/prefabs/materials
Fixed wm prefabs for salvaged tools (as they'd somehow broken again)
tweaked bow ironsight ( zooms in less & stays focused on target after firing)
Changed waterpipe shotgun world model & updates to prefab
Added syringe world prefab
Added blend trees to shotgun player holdtype
Repositioned salvaged weapons & spears for player animation prefabs
changed salvaged axe holdtype
Added initial salvaged weapon prefabs ( before they delete themselves again)
Added all directional player bow_non_aim source files
Updated deploy/holster bow (not aiming) player anim source file
Added world models for:
wooden spear
stone spear
salvaged icepick
salvaged hammer
salvaged axe
Adding initial non aiming player deploy/holster bow source file
added hold & overlay shotgun layers (using rifle anims for now)
changed player animation holdtype layer naming
Updated thompson wm prefab
moved postion reset scale values on thompson wm
updated bow world model & prefab
Created wm bota bag prefab
added world bota bag model to reboot
Updated bow & arrow icons
Added first pass bota bag player anim
Added bota bag player anim source file