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blowpipe viewmodel prefab updates
- set viewmodel mesh to 0.7 in the z ( to make it feel closer to camera)
- set up viewmodel renderers
- set to use viewmodel camera
- removed crossbow mesh from prefab
- removed ironsights script
lr 300 - v4 exports, anim naming updates, override controller set to use udpated anims
viewmodel camera clipping fixes - eoka left arm position posed out of shot to fix clipping, also reduced rotation sway
more viewmodel camera clipping fixes - rotation sway reduced
viewmodel camera clipping fixes - rotation sway reduced for problematic melee weapons
more weapon camera clipping fixes
weapon camera clipping fixes
t1 smg viewmodel - Fixed left arm causing camera clipping issues when wearing some hazmats
battering ram anim upodates
updated battering ram anim, new states in animator, more build up in attack anim
battering ram - model update export
battering ram - updated animator to remove additional broken anim loop
updated battering ram anims
battering ram
- new broken state
- animator updates
- added 'broken' bool
Battering ram
- Added new driving pose
- Added battering ram sit mountpose enum
- Added pose to player controller
- Set to use new pose in seat prefab
battering ram - updated ik hand targets
battering ram anims updated
battering ram anims exported on updated rig
added initial battering ram anims
- added test holdtype folders (1h/2h melee, bow, lr300)
- added v4 rustplayer mask
- setup hatchet 3p anims (updated melee overide controller)
- updated hatchet.entity (removed offsets and set to attach to r_prop)
- setup 2h 3p anims (updated sword overide controller)
- updated longsword.entity (removed offsets and set to attach to r_prop)
- updated lr300.entity (removed offsets and set to attach to r_prop)
- added v4 player update loadout
set up v4 unarmed anims in player animator
Rest of v4 unarmed anim set exports
updated avatar settings on a few test anims
renamed idle breathe to match source
exported jog E and idle on v4 rig
added anims to player animator
added spine 3 to humanoid mapping in rustplayeravatar
renaming of unarmed anims to match maya source and new convention
unarmed anim folder and anims (taken from v3 and will be updated with v4 exports but contain valuable clip meta)
- player anims for up/down
- added player anims to animator, set up blendtree with up/down animing to use up param
- tweaked start position of lever on ballista anims
- tweaked eye position & hand ik on entity
re-exported ballista weapon anims after rig update
ballista - rigged base model export
ballista - added rigged mesh and anims
updated exports for view and worldmodel
catapult - spring position fix
catapult - updated reload anim with chain bug fix
Catapult - updated reload anim (moves slower as it reaches full tension)
Catapult - added reload anim
launcher reload bug fix attempt 1 + dryfire additions/improvements
removed copied crossbow files from blowpipe folder, added/set up worldmodel prefab
fixes for ironsights not working
exported catapult anims, set up clips, renamed rigged file
prepared prefabs
created ironsights in .viewmodel and set to use, also set swap arrows script to 0 & not active (to remove errors)
renamed fbxs
renaming - added underscore and renamed .viewmodel as missed
- placeholder 3p anims
- placeholder worldmodel
- override controller
- entity setup
sks and t1 smg - 3p mag dropping now working
sks viewmodel - reduce rotation sway to fix arms clipping camera