
7,470 Commits over 2,679 Days - 0.12cph!

28 Days Ago
merge from underwater_vis_increment
28 Days Ago
High external walls now craft 3 at once. - Stone high external walls now requires 1 sheet metal per craft - Stone high external gate requires 1 sheet metal, reduced gear count to 3 - Reduced crafting cost to 4000 from 4500 wood/stone to make inventory management easier
28 Days Ago
merge from main
29 Days Ago
merge from old_rocks_delete List of prefabs removed:
29 Days Ago
Plushy crafting cost 50 cloth
30 Days Ago
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30 Days Ago
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30 Days Ago
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30 Days Ago
merge from wolf-sound-tweaks
31 Days Ago
subtracting 108209
35 Days Ago
Plushy crafting fix
35 Days Ago
35 Days Ago
merge from december24_art_fixes
36 Days Ago
hazmat plushy icon fix
36 Days Ago
merge from hackweek_fishingvillageradio
36 Days Ago
merge from cold_breath_convar
36 Days Ago
merge from surgeon_scrubs_wb_craft_fix
36 Days Ago
merge from hazmat plushy
36 Days Ago
icon pickup repair manifest deploy setup desc changes
36 Days Ago
merge from main
36 Days Ago
merge from fridge_container
36 Days Ago
fridge inventory slots 30 -> 48
36 Days Ago
merge from homing_missile_loot
36 Days Ago
Added homing rockets to high end orinance and rocket ammo collection - APC, Attack helicopter
37 Days Ago
merge from Hazmat Plushy
37 Days Ago
merge from upgrade_forgiveness
37 Days Ago
merge from skin_change_noclip_fix
37 Days Ago
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37 Days Ago
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37 Days Ago
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37 Days Ago
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37 Days Ago
merge from birthday11
37 Days Ago
merge from skin-bundles-2024-11
37 Days Ago
merge from rfbroadcaster_powerloss_fix
37 Days Ago
merge from tod-dithering-disable
38 Days Ago
merge from travelling_vendor_lod_fix
38 Days Ago
merge from researchtable_text_fix
38 Days Ago
merge from repairbench_icons_fix
38 Days Ago
merge from dofexposer_improvements
38 Days Ago
merge from 107744 birthday11
38 Days Ago
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38 Days Ago
merge from december24_art_fixes
42 Days Ago
merge from Twitch_Rivals_24
42 Days Ago
super tea effect changes
42 Days Ago
merge from main
45 Days Ago
merge from main
45 Days Ago
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45 Days Ago
merge from 107278 cctvgib_fix
45 Days Ago
cherrypicking 107578 Reduce wolf population and pack size to 3, until we find a way to make DensityPopulation spawn packs without having to increase the density
45 Days Ago
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