userBill Bcancel

258 Commits over 61 Days - 0.18cph!

3 Years Ago
Simplify and improve the sub dive/climb method
3 Years Ago
Fixed buoyancy regression bug that broke buoyancy with other water sources (swimming pool etc)
3 Years Ago
Adjusted sub mass and buoyancy
3 Years Ago
Adjusted duo sub driver view pos. Increased sub user's underwater view distance.
3 Years Ago
IK setup for driver and passenger hands and feet
3 Years Ago
Adjusted solo sub mount and eye pos so that it works well in both first and third person. Viewing eye pos and ACTUAL eye pos were quite different.
3 Years Ago
Solo sub mount changes, player is not standing
3 Years Ago
Added visual UI interaction option for swapping seats in the duo sub, if the player looks far enough behind them
3 Years Ago
Duo sub rear seat mount and view angle adjustments.
3 Years Ago
Gizmo opacity reduction
3 Years Ago
Minor edits
3 Years Ago
Fix modular car fuel reporting incorrectly
3 Years Ago
Added engine and fuel systems to the subs. Added fuel interaction. Added placeholder fuel tank to the solo sub. A little bit of engine and fuel code cleanup on Modular Cars and Work Cart.
3 Years Ago
Shift the centre of mass forward/back slightly when rising or descending, so that the sub will tend to angle towards the direction it's going
3 Years Ago
Fix water culling glitch
3 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Submarine
3 Years Ago
When particle bubbles reach the water's surface, have the float on the surface of the water instead of continuing to rise into the air
3 Years Ago
Cleanup, fx edit, particle start/stop bugfix, disable Compound by default on my test map
3 Years Ago
WIP stopping particles from showing above the water
3 Years Ago
Water level check fix. Add collision to bubbles so they don't show inside the sub when reversing.
3 Years Ago
Get in water/not in water info. Don't show bubbles when not in water
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Reposition the prop bubbles on the duo sub
3 Years Ago
Add basic semi-placeholder bubble FX for the sub propeller
3 Years Ago
Add missing meta files for new sub effects
3 Years Ago
Another rudder controls edit
3 Years Ago
Merge Main->Submarine
3 Years Ago
Prop is now animated on both subs
3 Years Ago
Separate the propeller from the solo sub model (duo sub prop was already separated). Update LOD groups for rudders and props.
3 Years Ago
Improve the rudder code
3 Years Ago
Physical rudder movement, client-side tick, profiling
3 Years Ago
Redo stomped changes to solo sub turret model
3 Years Ago
Merge Main->Submarine
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Rudder visuals
3 Years Ago
Fix bug in load method
3 Years Ago
Send steering input data from server to clients. Added save/load and proto stuff. Added physical rudder movement.
3 Years Ago
Fix rudder visual pivot point
3 Years Ago
Turn speed adjustment
3 Years Ago
Minor edit
3 Years Ago
Bugfix for steering
3 Years Ago
Another steering bug fix
3 Years Ago
Decrease drag a little, fix steering bug
3 Years Ago
Don't allow turning the sub if it's not moving
3 Years Ago
Merge Main->Submarine
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Remove debug log
3 Years Ago
Added Point Darkness script. Attach this to any Light component to emit darkness instead of light. You can even emit different colours of darkness. "This is beyond science." - Matt
3 Years Ago
Bring in the interior walls of the solo sub turret mesh a little to prevent visual issues in the corners when using the box-shaped water culling.