31,531 Commits over 3,987 Days - 0.33cph!
Added grenade attach/drop anims & updated animators, ready for code to update functionality
Fixed xmas/halloween skins being in crates
Fixed waterpipe shotgun transparency
GameSteup closes the loading screen properly on workshop scene
Fixed error when saving texture in workshop
Fixed https://sentry.io/share/issue/35313037392e313931373030323531/
Adjusted SAR workshop icon
Adjusted SMG workshop icon
Fixed workshop guitar spec
Tweaked reload verification
Fixed projectile update logging as projectile ricochet
Increased projectile update angle interval
Fixed projectile update also sending on ricochet
Cleaned + Unified our tools menu
Fixed C4 viewmodel shadows
Fixed Smoke grenade shadows
Fixed some worldmodels not being in bundles
Potential fix for error on throwing some clothing items
Fixed https://sentry.io/share/issue/35313038302e313832313031333537/
Fixed https://sentry.io/share/issue/35313038302e3738343432373236/
Fixed https://sentry.io/share/issue/35313038302e313431383237383831/
Fixed https://sentry.io/share/issue/35313037392e313736383739373039/
Fixed https://sentry.io/share/issue/35313037392e313533323835373531/
Fixed https://sentry.io/share/issue/35313037392e313736393034383230/
Potential fix for https://sentry.io/share/issue/35313037392e313231363734363739/
Potential fix for https://sentry.io/share/issue/35313037392e3738343436333237/ (badly formed json at error - but be more defensive)
Potential fix for https://sentry.io/share/issue/35313037392e313639353530343135/
Don't report errors from modded servers
Fixed https://sentry.io/share/issue/35313037392e3835353838373437/
Ricochet LOS fix on weapons with huge projectile thickness
Anim fix for endless bandage bug
Prefab positional fix for flamethrower flickering arm bug
Fix for water occasionally not visible when exiting caves (RUST-1476)
Fixed bear corpse bounds (unable to gather on certain parts of the corpse)
Set lock bounds padding to same as door
Fixed projectile ricochet verification issues
Made skin icon loading a bit more elegant
Don't show skins you don't own in skin options
Population is null bullshit is a warning
Merged editor QOL from
reversed bandage entity changes
fixed endless bandage bug
Projectiles send periodic position updates when gravity significantly changes their velocity
Fixed splat painting (RUST-1482)
Updated native libraries (updated MTU size, RUST-749)
Fixed BaseResource network caching that broke partially harvested mined ore node models (RUST-1479)
Resources, bleach bottle, duct tape, fuel jar, metal blade, metal pipe, road signs, rope, spring. Textures, materials, prefabs, collision and lods
fixed large planter deploy bugs and sizes
fixed invisible guide for planter
re-enabled xmas content (daily event)
coal can be recycled
Properly retired BoneRetarget (fixes RUST-1473)