userGarry Newmancancel

7,315 Commits over 2,345 Days - 0.13cph!

4 Years Ago
Include the reason in the server restart countdown messages
4 Years Ago
Tell everyone on the server when kicking someone because of cheats Print in console when kicking someone because of cheats
4 Years Ago
Added admin.killplayer
4 Years Ago
Added admintime convar (force local day time for admins)
4 Years Ago
replaced admin.mutevoice/admin.mutechat with mute (mutes both) admin.mute/unmute applies to sleeping players too Added admin.mutelist
4 Years Ago
combatlog can be called by rcon/console
4 Years Ago
Clean how UIMusicHelpDisplay is accessed Renamed class "v_instrument" to InstrumentViewmodel
4 Years Ago
Try to bring assets.bundle under 4gb
4 Years Ago
Removed BlockInputsWhilePlayingInstrument stuff from buttons.cs (this is the wrong way to do this)
4 Years Ago
Skip the whole UnloadBundles to see if that fixes the "The file 'none' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again!" errors
4 Years Ago
Fixed compile error in UIMusicHelpDisplay
4 Years Ago
UpdateBundleAssignments really is just repeating functionality of BuildAssetBundles.BuildMap Debug output around LoadBundle/UnloadBundles since the errors seem to start right after world cleanup
4 Years Ago
Restored bundle flags to pre-garry fucked everything up version
4 Years Ago
Restoring UpdateBundleAssignments
4 Years Ago
Adding Prefabs.unity back in maps.bundle
4 Years Ago
Bundle tweaks
4 Years Ago
Sound folder bundle restore
4 Years Ago
Fix for eyes clipping through ceilings when crouch jumping
4 Years Ago
Update bundle flags
4 Years Ago
Untick NeedsSteamDLC
4 Years Ago
Undo NeedsSteamDLC comment out
4 Years Ago
DLC unlock for everyone Remove audio bundle
4 Years Ago
Audio bundle fixes Don't preload content.undle
4 Years Ago
Switch back to content.bundle Load content while generating world
4 Years Ago
Prefab bundles using FileSystem_Warmup's exclude filter
4 Years Ago
Benchmark parity
4 Years Ago
Benchmark parity
4 Years Ago
Fixed missing materials
4 Years Ago
Include SpawnPopulation
4 Years Ago
Localization, InventoryItems
4 Years Ago
Throw exception properly if assets/skins.asset not found
4 Years Ago
Do prefab warmup in FileSystem_Warmup Call FileSystem_Warmup in benchmark/demo for parity
4 Years Ago
Added ItemSkinDirectory
4 Years Ago
Don't forget to include the GameManifest in the bundles
4 Years Ago
Bundle reconfigure
4 Years Ago
Added pool.prewarm convar
4 Years Ago
Don't PrefabPoolWarmup in editor
4 Years Ago
Fixed array errors
4 Years Ago
Enable WriteTypeTree
4 Years Ago
Throw exception if no items loaded Don't try to pre-fill the cache
4 Years Ago
PrefabPoolWarmup preloads prefabs.preload.bundle
4 Years Ago
Put all the prefabs in prefabs.preload.bundle
4 Years Ago
When bundle is preloaded, add results to object cache Show error properly if can't load a bundle Preload specifically Wait for preloading to finish in bootstrap
4 Years Ago
Do PrefabPoolWarmup before WorldSetup
4 Years Ago
Converted items.asset to bundle load Removed unsued classes
4 Years Ago
DS Fix
4 Years Ago
Added skinnable loading safeguards
4 Years Ago
Bundle loading tweaks
4 Years Ago
Put skinnables in skinnables.preload.bundle On assetbundle load, async preload any bundles with "preload" in the name Added Filesystem.LoadAllFromBundle<t> Removed GameManifest.skinnables- load from bundle instead
4 Years Ago
Time BuildFileIndex