6,130 Commits over 3,836 Days - 0.07cph!
fixed codelock not showing status in green/red
small storage is now default blueprint
bear trap is now snap trap
can no longer craft vagabondjacket + assaultrifle by default
updated cupboard icon
fixed codelock not showing status in green/red
small storage is now default blueprint
bear trap is now snap trap
can no longer craft vagabondjacket + assaultrifle by default
updated cupboard icon
made torch light less pink
made corpses invulnerable to bullet damage
fixed out of order usage of RaycastAll in DropToGround
fixed bug where corpses would disappear regardless if it took damage/was being looted
corpses of objects killed by beartrap will hang around a looong time
tweaked AR recoil
merge into main - AI should be attracted to traps now
merge into main - AI should be attracted to traps now
vagabond jacket is better
AR has a bit more recoil
proper LOD's for bear trap
Bear trap deals multiple damage types
compile error fix for client
less recoil when aiming down the sight
merge into main - bear trap and assault rifle changes
updated manifest + phrases
added bear trap guide
Bullets are slightly more visible
added assault rifle item
increased thompson recoil and lowered damage
fixed melee regression (much easier to hit things again now)
Added minor sway when in ADS
fix for occupied boxes on server crash
added custom recoil profiles to some weapons
removed debug calls
removed thompson conefire
recoil basics (not working)
Fixed missing damagetype on pickaxe + balance
added missing torch damage type
added some damage debug calls