6,134 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.07cph!
plants properly restore their age on load
plant hydration-color reworked
fixed stacking bug with harvesting
reduced cost of bone knife
quartered arrow crafting time
halved bolt/ak/sar/smg/sap/thompson crafting time
lowered beartrap crafting time
lowered autoturret crafting time
F1 grenade is mainly antipersonnel now, barely any construction damage
F1 grenade much cheaper and doesn't require a spring
F1 grenade quicker throw time/snappier feeling
slightly nerfed meat food items
buffed corn/pumpkin food yield
visual plant hydration via tinting
reworked plant water yield - needs x mls over y time to produce z yield multiplier
reworked clone yield - always 2, extras from healthy (hydrated) plants
Larger, easier to see holosight reticle (including during day)
Larger, easier to see holosight reticle (including during day)
slightly reduced cost of waterpipe shotgun
reduced cost of double barrel (one less pipe)
removed gear cost from landmine
reduced blade cost of metal barricade
reduced stone cost of stone/concrete barricades
oil barrels also produce a small amount of low grade fuel in addition to crude
reduced recycler volume slightly but increased audible radius
python slightly more accurate
python slightly less aim sway
python slightly higher firerate
damage balance for python
limit clones per cutting to 5
first pass of cloning plants
crossbow cheaper
p250 does same damage up close and less damage far away
python increased damage/range
python slots
fixed hemp turning brown when picked
python fixes
python first pass implementation
manifest et al
debug removal
plants progressively grow over time instead of snapping to new stages
plants always have a small seedling visible when placing
plant cloning baseline
plant entity profile samples
merge into main
water properly increases plant yield
added new purple box (simple tools, armor and weapons) to junkpiles, mainly found at vehicles
increased oil barrel yield but decreased oil barrel spawn frequency
made ceiling lights brighter
reduced cost of water bucket
fixed a bunch of plant growth issues
can add water to planters for increased yield
added black loot box
ceiling lights no longer turned off by water exposure
decaying corpse flies no longer visible at night
increased view distance of hat/riot helmet/pumpkin
removed cloth cost from wood armor
plants grow faster in sunlight, even faster under ceiling lights
no radiation spheres on client
more lenient water exit jumping
fix for particles enabling automatically when entering visible range
added distance culling to bed/pookie/rock
ParticleSystemCull + ParticleSystemLOD properly disable particle systems (perf increase)
disabled xmas content
fixed small planter scale
fixed not being able to place planters close to walls
fixed bells always playing when you first join a server with xmas enabled
plants in planters survive the cold of the desert/arctic instead of just dying
plants no longer block building
re-enabled small planters
fixed small planter construction cost
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