
5,967 Commits over 3,500 Days - 0.07cph!

6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
HAB global broadcast
6 Years Ago
extra flag on HAB
6 Years Ago
hab fix skin approval
6 Years Ago
hab fix maybe
6 Years Ago
wind fix
6 Years Ago
blind compile fix
6 Years Ago
merge into main network++
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
gibs/lods for HAB
6 Years Ago
hot air balloon functionality baseline
6 Years Ago
prefab progress
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
fixed crate map marker weirdness
6 Years Ago
player loot panel slot fix skin approval again
6 Years Ago
skin approval
6 Years Ago
can zoom map out farther
6 Years Ago
range finding markers on 8x scope
6 Years Ago
fixed cargo ship and its rhib saving
6 Years Ago
fixed cargo ship rhib and cargo ship saving
6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
locker slot fix burlap name fix
6 Years Ago
cargo ship convars for duration, egress duration, enabled use 6 as a scalar divisor when calculating radiation/cold protection (regression fix)
6 Years Ago
radiation alarm distance
6 Years Ago
cargo ship radiation fix
6 Years Ago
tactical gloves available at bandit town
6 Years Ago
merge into main
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
balance for gloves tactical gloves remove aimsway tactical gloves available at scientist compound extra clothing slot, giddyup imrpoved world loading time by removing OceanPatrolClose (unused) fixed AK47 very very slowly driving upwards
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
wip work
6 Years Ago
fixed 8x icon
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
missing file
6 Years Ago
always mount cargo ship above rowboat height so you aren't knocked off cargo ship spawns as a world event by default cargo ship propeller is deadly protocol++
6 Years Ago
l96 balance 8x scope l96/scope available at black market l96/scope available in bradley crates and elite crates bunch of metas that need committing