6,097 Commits over 3,744 Days - 0.07cph!
loot barrels drop 2 scrap
fixed garage door taking splash damage
double metal door default
ak47 horizontal recoil kicks in faster
aim sway no longer a factor when tap firing
changed default server browser image
workbench experiments can reveal ammo types
road/scrap tutorial completion
task list now displays a specific name for each tutorial section
added pickles with chance of botulism
fixed tree minigame hints not showing, maybe
fixed task list not displaying with certain resolutions
Added base building tutorial
added base upgrade tutorial
added door/lock tutorial
added storage tutorial
added tool cupboard tutorial
added bow / hunting tutorial
added armor tutorial
added furnace craft tutorial
added machete tutorial
water well shader updates
water well usability updates
finishing touches on water well
disabled pressure system
updated water well monuments with working well prefabs
cloth collection tutorial
sleeping bag tutorial
spear craft tutorial
convar and menu option to disable game tips
updated planters with new models and fixed darkening of the wood
skin approval
fixed bullets causing harvest tips to show
SMG costs reduced
Machette is default blueprint, required WB1
removed wood cost from sleeping bag/sheet metal door
removed paper, note/building plan requires wood
added more loading tips
added voice chat tip
how to use bow tip
how to drink from lakes/river tip
cannot harvest tip
pickle icon
added 15 loading menu tips
added no build zone tip
added how to open build options tip
added hammer upgrade tip
added place sleepingbag tip
added how to throw tip
added how to retrieve thrown items tip
added tooCold tip
added tooHot tip
added radiation tip
added remove radiation tip
fixed hydration + calories stats being padded by respawn
fixed ConsumeFood tip
Fixed healAtCampfire tip
Added torch equip/ignite tip
Added comfort explaination tip
added consume food/water tip
Added campfire heal tip
translate mouse0 etc to "left mouse" in game tips
added tree minigame help
added ore minigame help
planters now show hydration level via darker soil (once again)
fireball arrows slow movement