
6,097 Commits over 3,744 Days - 0.07cph!

7 Years Ago
skin approval
7 Years Ago
pilotable ch47
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
chainsaw holster info
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
skin approval
7 Years Ago
slightly less health on scientist NPCs
7 Years Ago
fix for weird sprint/aiming thing
7 Years Ago
scientists have new loot tables added spas-12 and incendiary rounds to airdrop fixed bug where scientists had 100 health instead of 200
7 Years Ago
nailgun slightly higher rate of fire
7 Years Ago
scientists now spawn with spas12
7 Years Ago
#if server fix
7 Years Ago
third person chainsaw particle effects LODComponentParticleSystem ensures initilization now incase another script calls hide/show from OnEnable or Awake
7 Years Ago
fix for chainsaw effects appearing active when deploying fix for left click spam of chainsaw
7 Years Ago
incendiary shotgun shell fps improvement spas12 fires slightly faster
7 Years Ago
third person chainsaw sounds flare slightly more common in caves
7 Years Ago
reload fixes
7 Years Ago
compile fix
7 Years Ago
chainsaw NRE fixes chainsaw uses materialpropertyblock, animations work in third + first
7 Years Ago
compile fix
7 Years Ago
chainsaw loot tables and fuel logic
7 Years Ago
chainsaw work
7 Years Ago
chainsaw work
7 Years Ago
chainsaw engine work
7 Years Ago
compile fix
7 Years Ago
chainsaw work spas12 sound adjustments
7 Years Ago
merge into main
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
chainsaw work gieger counter item
7 Years Ago
compile fix
7 Years Ago
broken chainsaw
7 Years Ago
spas 12 balance incendiary shotgun shells fixed spas 12 worldmodel
7 Years Ago
spas12 implementation
7 Years Ago
more flight ai
7 Years Ago
flight ai navigation
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
flight tests
7 Years Ago
skin approval
7 Years Ago
repairing now costs 20% of an items total instead of 50% repair bench no longer costs wood, 125 metal frags mountable cleanup passenger/saddle seat TESTS, relax
7 Years Ago
searchlight no longer accessable without TC access bandages and syringes now show their information panel spelling fixes
7 Years Ago
skin approval fixed third person flashlight offset
7 Years Ago
fire arrow costs less cloth
7 Years Ago
scientists accuracy reduced
7 Years Ago
added final game tutorial for workbenches and research tables added road tutorial added gametips and menutips to phrases frogboot buff my dudes fixed bug causing IDLE ANIMATION TO PLAY DURING SAR ADS WTF BBQ FFS
7 Years Ago
compile fix
7 Years Ago
netting costs 1 rope instead of 3