183 Commits over 59 Days - 0.13cph!
Increased deployed beehive prevent building volume
Missing preprocessor checks
New bee particle script to hopefully cut down on the sub emitters turning on/off all the bloody time
Implement new death particles
- Fix a bug preventing humidity from being reduced if a roof was used or a fire was placed nearby
- Improvements to loot panel reliability
- Protobuf the humidity too
- Code cleanup and simplification
Removed bee sounds from bee grenade entity (kept on the world and view model)
Added LOS check system to master swarms so they cant damage people through walls
Rebalanced beehive temperature
Bees like temperature biomes and relatively low altitiude. Need to use a heater if you are higher up or in the snow
- Cleanly handle nucleus grades
- Fix bugs with progress bar
- Add even more convars to allow quicker honeycomb generation and how much xp to give
- Added some more tooltips and last minute polish
Turn a bunch of static settings into ConVars. This allows server owners to adjust a bunch of variables on the bee system: from bee swarm survival length to how much xp is added to a nucleus each cycle.
Ensure bee swarms target the closest accepted player, not the first one they find that fits the bill
Add more tooltips to loot panels
Fixed natural beehives spawning on fire
Additional checks before master swarm is spawned. Ensure not too close to wall, as well as worrying about the vertical spawn if inside a wall
Greatly improved swarm behaviour around fires
Apply overrides to all bee particles
Ensured prevent building isnt a trigger
- Made bee grenade deployable larger to try and prefvent clipping under ground
- Ensure bee master swarm doesnt immediately appear
- Fix burny bees again (fire effects were set to play on awake)
Can no longer stick the bee grenade
Change bee grenade item sfx
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Translate 'XP' on nucleus info panel
if we have a planter and a player then don't splash the player. This preserves the old watering behaviour whilst allowing players to be splashed (for bees or other things)
Made master bee swarm a bit easier to set on fire
Ensure new particles support sub emitters again
Ensure menu spawned nucleus have instance data set
Ensured Grade 1-3 is displaye don the nucleus info panel even if it has 0 xp
Improved reliability of temperature score on beehive
Ensure eat is the primary behaviour
Change honeycomb cook time to 2 seconds so it doesnt look like a 10x server when cooking
Setup proper protection for beehive so it doesnt break in 4 bullets
Implemented new Honeycomb Worldmodel
Created master swarms. These swarms output a small swarm every 1 minute (total up to 3)
Bee grenade now uses new swarms
Bees now die in the smoke of a smoke grenade
Fixed bee grenade viewmodel scale
- Setup open/close sounds for deployed hive
- Change deployment sound to boxes
Force network update when heat source changes
Setup standalone impact effect for natural hives. Swapped to dirt sounds as a stand in
Setup Beehive item filters
Ensure deployed beehive can handle having a full inventory properly