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Disable forced hiding of blood in some regions
Exposed blood settings in the options menu (under gameplay section)
Potential OnDisable NRE fix
Fix gestures ending slightly too early if an entity is being held
Added basic support for the RandomParameter state machine behaviour to not repeat numbers
Enabled the above on the playing cards fidget and fixed it never picking the 4th animation
Reworked blood hiding, use subclasses to prevent invokes on recycle classes
Add an editor warning if a gesture is marked as looping and not cancellable
Fix compatibility with old gesture binds
Fix third person cards showing if player is in first person
Show 3rd person card models
Fix chat window in poker UI not respecting show chat option
Fixed non bypassed keybinds still working while in poker UI
Added BloodEffect component flesh entry/exit decals
Exposed the gesture signal delay and tweaked it to line up the first and third person animations correctly
Disable dance, unsaved clap changes
Fixed some places still using old ID's
Clean up some invokes
Remove old system to hide lights and particles, just move world model a long way away instead of scaling it
Code review changes:
Cleanup PlayerModel invokes and layer weights in OnDIsable
Fix list not getting pooled in context menu
Use Rust.Editor.GetObjectId to get gesture ID's, reserialized all of the gesture configs
Merge from cardgames (show hand result at end of game + bug fixes)
Fixed voice chat icon not appearing after joining a card game
Fixed some keybinds being allowed when text input fields have focus
Show translated hand results on player UI widgets at end of game
Merge from CardGames (ui fix)
Fixed extra player widgets appearing on tables with less than 6 seats
Add a loading screen tip for the gesture menu
Use water damage hit impact underlay if ShowBlood is false, ensures players will still know what direction they are being attacked from
Disable blood screen overlays when hurt if blood is disabled