13,577 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.21cph!
Merge from farming_optimisation (server side farming performance improvements, split fluids evenly when draining through splitters and heaters now affect planter temperature)
Fix cam zoom lerp not being multiplied by delta time (fixes camzoomlerp convar not working with midi binds)
Merge from dialogue_graph
Moved client gib creation to a new virtual SpawnGibs method that gets called from DoDestroyEffects
New SeasonalTimedExplosive class to manage gibs since we can't disable the gibbable on the gameobject any more
Fix a player getting stuck in the recent drivers queue of a car if the queue has multiple drivers in it
Check server state in CeilingLight growable refresh (like the GrowableHeatSource component)
Spawn all car gibs
Tweak position/rotation calculation
Fixed car conditional gibs not working
Added a uniqueId field to Gibbable to help identify specific components in situations where we need to only deploy specific gibs (like with car components)
Tweak force position when paddling
Halve push force if floating in water
Rename kayak seats for consistency
Fixed gib rotation
Prefab cleanup
Fix doors checking for blockages when opening if checkPhysBoxesOnOpen is false (fixes garage door getting stuck closed if a vehicle is stuck in it)
Check line exists before reading
▅▍▆▆▍ ▌▇█▉▍█ ▍▉ ▋▉▄▊▇ ▊▍ ▋▅▍▌▋ ▋▉▌▌ ▊▆▆▇▍▇██▌▍ ▍ .▋▊▋ ▉▆▊▊
▊▊▉▄ ▉▍▍▍█▊:
▊▅▍▆▌ ▇▆▋▉▉▊▌▋█▊▄▊ ▆▉▌▌▄▍▍▄█▊ ▆ ▋▇▍█▅ ▇▋▋▇▍▇ ▌▇ ▊▋▄▆▋▌ ▄██▇ ▋▇▊▋▊▆ ▍▆█▋▄▍▆
▉▆▋▇▋ ▍▋▋▌▊▉▅▆▌ ▋▆▉▉▋▇ ▄▆▄▉ ▊▄▉ ▇▋▍ ▅▆▊ ▉█▍▄▉▇▉▊▊▌
▊▄▊'▇ ▇▆▍▌▆▆▊▅ ▇▅▆▋▊▇ █▍ ▍▉ ▆█▋▇ ▋▅▄▅▆
▊█▇██▍ ▋▅▄▋▄▍ ▍▄▇▅▌▌ ▋▋▅▆▊▍▄▌▅▊
Transition viewmodel to paddle mode immediately if deployed while on a kayak
Rename canoe to kayak and oar to paddle
Reorganized relevant directories
Can now Left/Right paddle with lmb/rmb (using wasd still works)
Add check for IsDestroyed in all WantsSplash implementations
Code review:
Use prefab resource id instead of calling StringPool
Code review:
Change PushLiquid in LiquidContainer to CheckPushLiquid
Null check time cached values
Use IsValid check where possible (and in IOEntity)
Ensure push targets don't get double added
Better sprinkler splash randomisation
Merge from gib_pool/merge
Merge fixes for gib velocity
Don't allow throwing the oar while on a canoe
Hooked up pushing logic for canoe
Clamp view angles while mounted
Oar crafting costs, throwable setup
Added a gametip for when a player tries to paddle without holding an oar
Added an option for VehicleSeats to forward their client input to the vehicle parent
Gib hookup, reduce canoe health, fix push priority
Fixed growable entities updating their quality twice when consuming water
Liquid Containers will now automatically evenly distribute their water between up to 3 connected liquid containers
Liquid Containers now cache the targets for pushing water instead of calculating/traversing the IO system every time they push water
53586 (already getting pooled on a different branch)
Oar worldmodel fixes, damage properties, animation events
Paddle and movement splash effects
Support for backwards paddling
More paddling/velocity work
Planters, sprinklers, water pump, fluid switch are now poolable
▇▍▅▄▋▄▌▊▊▊.█▆▄▋▆▇▊ ▋█ ▉▉ ▍▇▉▍▉▅ ▄▅▅▌▍▌ ▆▉ ▅▌▉█▆ ▍▇▇▄ ▋▌ ▊▅ ▇▇▆ ▊▊▊█▇ ▉▉▄▅▍ ▋▉▉▋█▇▌▆ ▄█▄▆▅▊▅▉ ▇ ▌▅▌▍▊▋ (▌▆▇▆ ▋▅ ▊▇▉ ▆▇▅▌▌▇ ▇█ ▌▍ ▇▌▆▇█)
▍▇▋▆▋ ▌ ▇▍▄▋▊ █▄▅ ▅▅█▅█ ▄▌█▇▋▄ █▊▄ ▄▇▌▊▌▍▆█ ▇▇▊▊▍▇ ▅▄▅ ▌▇ ▇▋▋▍▋▋▆ ▊█▍▄▆▆▆ ▆▍▊ ▍▄▊▄▌ ▋▋▄█▋▅ █▇▇▉▅▅▇ ▇▆█ ▄▌▉▇, ▌█ ▆▅ ██▊██▅ ▄▆▆█▄ ▍▌▆ ▍▅ ▅▄▊█▄▄▍▍▊▆ ▌▆▄ ▋▄▆-█▌▄▇▉▍
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▅▊▋▍▆▊▉ ▉▆█▄▊▇▋▌ ▌▋█▄█▊▆▊█ ▌▅█ ▌▋ ▆▊▆▍▍▇ ▍▌▅▉▋ ▍▍▊ ▅ ▇▄▍▇▆█▆▆▌ ▄▄ ▍▄ ▇▄▅▅▊▌ ▍▋
▋▊█▇▌ ▄▊▍▆ █▋▉█▄▌ ▅▄▉▆▄█ █▍▌▇ ▌ █▅▇▉▇▄▊█▉ ▇▉ ▍▇█▊▆▉ ▉▇▇▊▆ ▅ ▄▅▅▉▍▆ ▇▋ ▉▍▄▊█ ▊▋ ▅▊▍ ▄▉█▉ ▄ ▅▌▇▆▍▇ █▍ ▅▅▍▇█▆▉ ▊ ▅▆▊▄▄▇▌▅▊ ▋█▋█▊
▊▇▄ ▋▌▋ ▄▄▅▄▇▌ ▊▆▅ ▆▇▌▄▄█▍█▄ ▋█ ▉▆█ █▇▄ ▉▍▄▌▍ █▇▅▆▊
▄▄▌▅▊ ▇▅▇▅▋▄▌▌▊ ▍▄▍▇▅▌ ▊▊▋ ▇▇▋▅▆▆▌▉▌ ▌▌ ▍▇▆▊▌ ▆▄▅▇▉▍
Added a GrowableHeatSource component to make heaters affect plants
Uses the new TimeCachedValue to prevent repeated artificial temperature checks (like light checks)
The powered water purifier will stop converting salt water when it's output container is full, will automatically resume once some fresh water is removed