userJarryd Campicancel

349 Commits over 273 Days - 0.05cph!

1 Year Ago
Learn button on default blueprints no longer does anything (same behaviour as if you already know the blueprint)
1 Year Ago
Code review Convert IndustrialConveyorTransfer handling to using blocks Rate limit some conveyor RPC's Remove some allocations when toggling crafter Better compiled out profiles in pipe mesh building Lots of simplifications in the pipe mesh jobs
1 Year Ago
Fixed incorrect filter evaluation on entities with separate input/output slot ranges (furnaces mostly)
1 Year Ago
Typo fix
1 Year Ago
Added a limit to how many whole stacks a conveyor move in a single tick (defaults to 6, exposed via server.maxItemStacksMoverPerTickIndustrial)
1 Year Ago
Fixed regression with minimum item count filters not being respected
1 Year Ago
Refactored the filter pass/fail process to take into account minimum amounts across multiple containers, this will now abort any further item movement calculations if the filter cannot be satisfied which should improve performance for conveyors that have no valid outputs Note: the filter fail/pass calculation only takes into account inputs, not outputs, so it's possible for the filter pass to be true but no item transfers taking place due to no valid slots in the outputs or the maximum count being reached in the output
1 Year Ago
Subtract 78607, let's find a better way
1 Year Ago
Filter pass output on conveyor will no longer pass through a success if no transfer occurred
1 Year Ago
Enable pipe block behaviour on triangle roof Fix pipes getting incorrectly cleared due to blockages when loading
1 Year Ago
Fixed industrial crafter not fully filling the final item slot when crafting
1 Year Ago
Fix electric furnace material not lighting up properly
1 Year Ago
Move electric furnace to electrical category Fixed case where crafter would become uninteractable if an entity connected to it changed IO state
1 Year Ago
Fixed electric furnace not listing it's power usage when selected in the inventory
1 Year Ago
The wire tool will now update itself to highlight the correct entity while looking at a non IO entity that has an IO entity child (the electric furnace IO slots will now appear when the player is looking at any part of the furnace) This behaviour won't occur when more than one IO entity is parented to an entity
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Move the conveyor filter fail/pass outputs to the bottom of the model, make the top a bit less crowded Move the front face storage adaptor slot on the large wooden box to the left so it doesn't clip the lock
1 Year Ago
Fixed electric furnace gibs glowing
1 Year Ago
Add an additional slot to the Tool Cupboard for storage adaptors (front face at the top)
1 Year Ago
Fixed crafter always playing sfx when off
1 Year Ago
Fixed pipes sometimes appearing incorrectly when first placed
1 Year Ago
Fix some interaction issues with the industrial crafter (caused by pickup option becoming available on the client incorrectly)
1 Year Ago
Expose power consumption value on electric furnace IO entity
1 Year Ago
Fixed server.enforcePipeChecksOnBuildingBlockChanges accidentally disabling the checks when true
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Add a small (0.02m) additional offset from the surface when placing industrial pipes, helps pipes go along the ground through doorways without hitting the collider on the ground in a doorway
1 Year Ago
Building blocks can now check for illegal pipes when changing conditional models and remove any offending pipes Only enabled on walls for now, can be disabled with server.enforcePipeChecksOnBuildingBlockChanges in case of any unintended side effects
1 Year Ago
Updated entity wheel icon for electric furnace
1 Year Ago
Updated Electric furnace loot panel title
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Added Turn On/Off inputs to the electric furnace
1 Year Ago
Pipe tool can now be stored in Tool Cupboard tool storage
1 Year Ago
Low grade is now researchable in the repair bench for use in the crafter
1 Year Ago
Conveyors will now calculate Min/Max filter amounts based on the specified input/output ranges (eg. the left slot on the locker already only added/removed items from the first locker set, but now it will only check those slots when calculating how many items are in the container when evaluating filters)
1 Year Ago
Fix storage adaptors, conveyors and pipe LODs being calculated from the wrong position when entering network range
1 Year Ago
Compile out pipe mesh renderer on server
1 Year Ago
Reduce the minimum distance between industrial pipe points for easier placement (was 0.4, now 0.3)
1 Year Ago
Adjusted LOD levels of industrial entities
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Added a small thickness to pipe visibility checks to prevent it going through very small gaps in construction
1 Year Ago
Replaced conveyor toggle input with Turn On and Turn Off inputs
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Cleanup Modified save data structure Exposed the cost of researching default blueprints (server.defaultBlueprintResearchCost, defaults to 10 scrap)
1 Year Ago
Fix case where items with a stack size of 2 wouldn't transfer through a conveyor attached to a splitter (another rounding error)
1 Year Ago
Fix not being able to place deployables on top of industrial pipes
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Fixed some filter pass/fail passthrough issues on the conveyor
1 Year Ago
Remove references to consuming fuel in the Turn On/Off interaction description for the electric furnace
1 Year Ago
Can now place doors even if pipes are obstructing the space (added an AllowDoor flag to ColliderInfo)
1 Year Ago
Fixed storage adaptor being invulnerable