274 Commits over 821 Days - 0.01cph!
Update thrusterprojector.vmat_c
Normalize fists move params
Add move_x/y/z and move_groundspeed for fists
Don't bone merge fists weapon
Delete facepunch.sandbox.fgd
Viewmodel rotates camera with camera bone rotation.
Remove perlin viewshake from fists weapon
Allow viewmodel swing and bob to be disabled and use anim params aim_yaw_inertia and aim_pitch_inertia instead.
Set anim params b_grounded and aim_pitch for fist weapon for Max to test with
Create a simple OBB for spawned props if there's no collision model so they can be manipulated by tools
Fix spawn command not loading model properly
Adjust spawning code to work with some ragdoll setups (single body attached to root bone)
fists weapon: set attack_has_hit
Change fists to use new model
physgun can handle players
Update active tool in tool list UI
Ignore physgun traces that start in solid, this seems to be a rare rubikon bug
Fix crazy impact force with car
Left and right punch anims
temp fix animating car wheels
fix not being able to drive car
Resizer tool resizes root entity
override SimulateAnimator in pistol, change toolgun handedness to 1H for fun
Fix strange rope positions when using rope tool on welded props
Create a fake joint between player and held body to disable collision
GravGun: offset held distance by closest point to avoid larger objects from getting too close to player
Fix warnings on entities using physics post step event
Restore angular velocity too when breaking something with car
Fix NRE when player disconnects while driving
Fix shiny_white.vmat
recompile car.vmdl to see if it stops erroring for some people
Resizer: Also rebuild mass and wake up children on parent resizes, forces physics proxies to update
Car restores prevelocity when breaking something on physics impact
Rebuild tool list on hotload
Set light cookies for lamps and lights server side to see if it fucks up for anyone
Spawn props with collision bounds mins offset, FindClosestPoint can be unreliable
Include citizen thumbnail in this repo so it should be spawnable on steam version
PhysGun: Unfreeze all bodies in physics group with Reload input
Disable viewmodel bobbing when noclipping
Car camera orientates to car on activate
Allow complete 360 mouse look while in firstperson car camera
Look forward when not orbiting in thirdperson car camera
Fix incorrect rope anchors on ragdolls
Rope length is distance between the two anchor points instead of a fixed length
Fix incorrect rope anchors, only rope particle points need scaling
Attach ropes to scaled objects properly