
7,579 Commits over 3,623 Days - 0.09cph!

1 Year Ago
Cauldron refresh
1 Year Ago
Scene backup. Cauldron refresh files.
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
Fixed a world space orientation issue on the large furnace flames.
1 Year Ago
Merge from VFX (New Fireplace, Large Furnace, Campfire lighting & FX)
1 Year Ago
mf main
1 Year Ago
Merge fix for campfire as the folder moved.
1 Year Ago
Fixed merge issues with large furnace
1 Year Ago
Campfire & fireplace prefabs
1 Year Ago
mf main
1 Year Ago
Merge cleanup.
1 Year Ago
Polish & mat tweaks.
1 Year Ago
Refactored large furnace fx to faciliate both instant disable and particlesystemcontainer.stop New hurtzone if you're monkeying around on the large furnace Packed into prefab & cleanup Other mat tweaks.
1 Year Ago
Scene backup & mat tweaks
1 Year Ago
Finalish big furnace main effect. Cleaned up older working files. Moved all fire atlases and meshes to a central effects/fire folder for re-use. Scene backup.
1 Year Ago
▌▄▇▋▅▅▊▌▆ ▅▍▄▇ █▇▊▋▊█ ▇▋▆█▋▋▇ ▉▍▅ ▇█▌▉▉ ▊▊ █▉▇▄▄▅▍▊▅▋
1 Year Ago
Atlas padding fixes Scene backup
1 Year Ago
New atlas renders for generic floating flame particles.
1 Year Ago
Iterating to reduce billboard effect
1 Year Ago
Large furnace main fire
1 Year Ago
New render sequence for flames on relatively flat surfaces. Scene backup & some mat tweaks.
1 Year Ago
Large furnace lighting array using cheaper narrow spot shadows instead of 360° point.
1 Year Ago
Scene backup
1 Year Ago
Big furnace WIP Fireplace vertex paint tweaks to fix artifacts from a specific angle
1 Year Ago
Speed & light iteration. Vertex color tweaks.
1 Year Ago
Final'ish fireplace fx/light revamp
1 Year Ago
Light animations & tweaks.
1 Year Ago
Motion vector atlas size optimization
1 Year Ago
Fireplace lighting setup & cleanup Fx iteration
1 Year Ago
Overlay mesh fixes
1 Year Ago
New sprite sheets & scene backup.
1 Year Ago
Bespoke mesh file for fireplace fx iteration Scene backup Some file renames/moves for consistency/organization
1 Year Ago
Asset farmed up all the other fire props. Campfire tweaks. Pfx scene backup.
1 Year Ago
Added a second small elevated unshadowed light to soften the campfire close proximity lighting LOD distance tweaks.
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
...part 2
1 Year Ago
New flame scroller texture from scratch, because the old one was based on pixelated asset store sprite garbage Packaged new fire prefab into /effects2 Renames & cleanup part 1
1 Year Ago
Top down circle strafing fixes. Ember tweaks because ParticleSystemLOD does not support emission curves.
1 Year Ago
LightEx, LOD and pos wobble. Preliminary one shot flame extinguish fx.
1 Year Ago
Iterating top downs
1 Year Ago
Final'ish tweaks
1 Year Ago
Motion vector atlas optimization
1 Year Ago
Campfire atlas renders & scene backup
1 Year Ago
Campfire main effect (still needs a new atlas)
1 Year Ago
Pre-vertexpaint backup
1 Year Ago
mf particle shader upgrade
1 Year Ago
mf main
1 Year Ago
mf campfire
1 Year Ago
New campfire FX files/WIP
1 Year Ago
mf main