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3 Years Ago
Backporting new effects from HDRP - WIP
3 Years Ago
Train friction sparks FX into a basic prefab until we implement it.
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Topo mask changes to fix some fields that weren't receiving all field spawns
3 Years Ago
Remaining puzzle additions for patch. All corners of the map now given equal red card rights, give or take.
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Workcart interior dashboard indicators & damage effects. Workcart decals are alpha clipped instead of blended, because of artifacts when you shine dynamic lights at them in certain ways.
3 Years Ago
PFX Scene backup (Workcart effects + interior dash stuff) & related files
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Reworked Workcart lighting
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Slots emissive effect 2/2
3 Years Ago
Reworking slot machine mats/textures to support emissive 1/2
3 Years Ago
Slot machine effects, light tweaks & texture optimizations
3 Years Ago
More bespoke puzzle things.
3 Years Ago
Two new red keycard locations. Inner Site C keycarded.
3 Years Ago
Slightly lower saturation on FluorescentLightCold.mat
3 Years Ago
Site C lighting and minor layout tweaks
3 Years Ago
Fixed spotlight warm prefab actually having a cool light (?)
3 Years Ago
Scene backup & new light prefab
3 Years Ago
Glass mat change nudged back a bit
3 Years Ago
Cherrypicking AmbientLightLOD bugfix
3 Years Ago
Testing tad lower opacity on glass.mat for light/shadowing purposes
3 Years Ago
Lighting/monument things backup
3 Years Ago
Scene Backup / exterior lighting
3 Years Ago
Lighting & roadsides backup
3 Years Ago
Exterior lighting backup
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Removed built in water visibility trigger from sewer_drainwall_ pieces, for mappers
3 Years Ago
Hapis: Fixed falling through terrain and into the southern tunnel.
3 Years Ago
Fixed that one noob-swallowing terrain trigger near the convoy mine.
3 Years Ago
Enabled missing red keycard compound in the north
3 Years Ago
Fix for Hapius Military Tunnel CullVolume NRE
3 Years Ago
Hapis: Various LOD improvements, especially on key cliffs and landmarks. Too many other fixes to count (Thanks for all the bug reports!)
3 Years Ago
Added Airwolf back into Hapis Also beware Hapis dumpster divers: Junkyard piles are hella radioactive now. Buncha other tweaks.
3 Years Ago
Hapis river flows downstream again. Next-gen.
3 Years Ago
More topological improvements and minor fixes.
3 Years Ago
Fixed duplicated map label
3 Years Ago
More tweaks based on feedback (thanks for all the lists!)
3 Years Ago
Surgery on mil tuns to see if that fixes map crash
3 Years Ago
Fixed floating point issue with roads causing them to washboard Fixed some sewer entrances being cluttered with rocks
3 Years Ago
Praise the lord it runs again
3 Years Ago
Splat clearing texture bug fixery
3 Years Ago
Resurrected World Setup
3 Years Ago
More buglist & full bake with everything Miltuns enabled sans AI as a debug test