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Closer to being unsucked.
Improved a bunch of shitty crap areas. Removed baddie asset store radtowns in preparation for our own.
Tree colliders now more accurate, instead of just looking like pills.
Missing explosives boxes.
Extended the bush billboard range so that they don't disappear so soon at the lowest settings. Savas: Can no longer build right on top of the construction hut. C4 hut has faster respawn.
Hopefully fixes those two Savas crates that don't seem to respawn.
Added a construction tool+resource hut to the buildable hill on Savas KOTH.
Savas loot tweaks. Quicker respawns.
Conventional Savas load fix.
Downsized some huge blank textures on the heli.
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New SavasIsland variant. Fully buildable with more conventional loot. Same compact size.
Satellite dish stain material uses cutout instead of fade, because fog immunity is worse.
Bushes that got reverted. Some billboard textures.
Some slightly less insane lod distances on trees - we hope.
All speedtrees to Asset Gallery.
Added attack helicopter to Savas and Hapis.
Some tree mat fixes after the mat regen. Cliffside boulder spam topo stuff. (disabled for now)
Driftwood decor params and some mat fixes.
Driftwood system switch again.
Scene sound stuff. Sky2 stuff. Moved driftwood from decor to world setup, to stop it from going invis.
Scene stuff. Missing strobelight mats.