8,347 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
Reworked the building categories.
Gave all buildables a description.
Tweaked some other names and stuff.
Various spawn related
Removed what looked like a second duplicate fern asset being loaded.
Corpse lootpanel alignment fix
Targetindicator slightly taller to make it more visible on RMB.
R casting feels better.
Scene tweak.
Torrent of Ice consistently freezes targets. Has twice the cooldown, 1 more range.
Claymore and 2h channeling staves are not throwable.
Fx & sounds for orb spell.
Targeting ring
Less annoying chicken sound spam
Loot stuff
Not use npc spawner for loot.
Scene tweaks.
Hud tweaks.
PlayerInventory to shared content bundle. (was none)
Removed the client rigidbody cube from testmap.
Hud improvements.
Other minor things.
Various combat arena related.
Gravity spell WIP.
Team equipment
Scene stuff
Team vs team assets
Cone spell collider fix.
Proper underground HDR test
Gravitational Orb WIP
Less obnoxious hit marker sounds
Defaultinventory changes
Added multi-vectors to the physics force script.
Good shit spell stuff
More spell stuff.
Various spell & anim improvs.
Asset nav exclusions.
Thicc spell projectile hitboxes.